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Skyrim Information


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Nice, thanks for posting. :thumbsup:


Why do I always post info when it's known?

I feel stupid.


Believe me its better to actually. You wouldn't believe how many rhetorical questions answered by BGS we see on Skyrim's FB page. There are like Is there Mulltplayer posts 7 times a day. And the Dragon Mount questions still get asked. Just wish people could use google, ya know?

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Was it here that someone posted that image with the different races pulled from the e3 video? I can't find it anywhere.


Yes that was me.

Here is the picture:



Also on a side note, I didn't create the picture, I'm just the courier.




Esbern voice sample!



Gamesplanet interview:


Edited by Iv000
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On topic,

In August there will be a gaming event similar to E3, Qakecon, that will feature Skyrim and new gameplay.

Excited? Yes.

By the way, I can't confirm this 100%, but I read it somewhere and it said August.




In addition to the keynote and other special events (more on that soon), this year’s event will give you a chance to see some great presentations on our upcoming titles, including Todd Howard’s first public presentation of Skyrim!!


Stay tuned on August 4th - 7th


Thursday, August 4, 2011 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM

Friday August 5 2011 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM

Saturday August 6, 2011 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM


It's in Dallas, TX and entrance is free.



this is cool. Wasn't it last year's Quakecon where prior to it Bethesda kept going on about news regarding something very exciting, that the fans have been waiting for, and it turned out to be some other game most of us didn't care about? Or was that something else?


I'm glad it's confirmed, though, this time.

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The dunmer looks like one of those Draugr. (spelling?)


Yes, I'm not sure if it's the darkness, and we can't see his face well, or Bethesda made elves look like mutated ghouls.

I think the second option is true...

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