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I agree that homosexual relationships should be in the game. I think it would attract more people to the community while at the same time keeping "those" people away from it. By those I expect you're referring to people who do not see eye to eye with homosexuality At All. By putting those romances in the game, I think it will greatly benefit itself in the long run. It was just a month ago that New York legalized gay marriages.




In my opinion the character isn't as defined as Commander Shepard so it should actually be pretty straightforward to implement that kind of relationship option for those that would appreciate and or use it.

Edited by AaronKo
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Exactly, since you don't have any background in the game, you can be whoever you want.

Also, funny that you posted about Commander Sheppard I was referring to Mass Effect 2 when I meant female/female relationships, but no male/male ones. (Not saying that I don't like the game, I love it!)

It's just feels wrong heaving homosexual relationships, but in the same time not heaving them.


And yes, with "those" I'm thinking about the people who were raised to think that homosexuality is something bad.


It was just a month ago that New York legalized gay marriages.




So, humanity is finally evolving? About time.

Edited by Iv000
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I'm all for potential gay romance, my main character had one before the start of the game. I don't know if she will continue that way (depends which character she -and I but mostly she- prefers in the game) but it would be nice to have this option.


However, I don't think this "subject" should be politicized ^^ What you call "those" people have the right to be intolerant as long as it stays in their mind/mouth (if not insulting anyone), of course you can despise them but I don't think it's a better attitude than their, especially not on a forum about skyrim. Well I stop here for the HS ^^

Edited by Any_ILL
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Yeah you have a point there. Hence the idea of be who want to be since people have every right to think a certain way. "The closet to reality," as aaroncox put it seems to have more weight now. At least when I think of that phrase I think of people being open-minded and having the option to do what they want provided with the game mechanics to do it(or mods). Edited by AaronKo
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those that are protesting because of it.
Well that's still despising (or any word less powerful, this one is a little hard, sorry for that but not being english-speaking makes me overlooking some nuances) someone who's only expressing and not imposing (even if they're trying to obtain something, as long as it's only expressing I think it's right) ^^ But I said I would stop HS xD I'll try to refrain myself.


@ Aaroncox: Well the closest to reality (more like the closest to what this alternative reality should be if it existed but it's the same meaning) is a good thing as long as it's not to the detriment of other more important features. But this one is perfectly ok, it will not complicate the game, it will even simplify it depending on how they do it.

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Let's just keep this Skyrim-related and drop the sexual debate, please. :)

Gay Marriage will be in, either through Vanilla game or through mods, that is a 100% certainty. ;)

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Needless to say I was quite surprised when I clicked on the "Skyrim Information" thread and saw a whole bunch of stuff about gay marriage. I thought to myself "Wait, what? Which forum am I in? I'm not some politics/religion/morality forum am I?"



Yeah, it threw me off.

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