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unfortunately it doesn't seem like that message got through to the facebook users...

They have already shown some example of ALL races except argonians now.


Show us an argonian child please!

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Argonian child? In my opinion, no. Argonian adult? Absolutely.


I don't need to see an argonian child. I have no interest in children and I believe we can wait on that, especially since we won't get to play as one until a mod comes out for it.


But really, Facebook? Nord?


It's like these people specifically chose Nord to piss true fans off. These are probably the same people going "OMG THE ARMOR AND BIG MUSCLES AND STUFF WERE SO COOL AND WHEN I GET SKYRIM IM GONNA MAKE A SPIKEY HAIR MUSCLE NORD WHOS BADASS AND KILLS PEOPLE AND DOESNT AFRAID OF ANY-" You get the point.


The one race we haven't seen yet and that I noticed while scrolling through the screenshots was Argonian. It only makes sense to show an Argonian. I can understand failing and choosing Imperial or another race whose appearance is easily predicted (or actually seen in gameplay), but Argonians have been completely excluded from all forms of media released by Bethesda. Seriously. We couldn't even fail less and pick a race not played as in every gameplay trailer we've seen yet? Like Imperial? Sure, we can predict the appearance and see screenies, but at least we didn't see it in literally every gameplay video made yet.


C'mon Facebook. I'm sure Argonians get big muscles too. Let's see it.

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I'm happy with either Dunmer or Argonian, I usually always play as a Dunmer anyways. Although I always seem to mess up their skin tone. Can't wait to see the Character Creation!


I'm glad that the Khajiit actually look a lot beastlier than their Cyrodil counterparts, let's hope it's the same with the folk from Black Marsh.

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Because 10 is enough.

A new race would mean new armor/weapons/lore etc.

Or it could just be a sub species of a existing race and no one would be happy with it.


We will probably see new sub-races in Skyrim as NPC's, like the Falmer.

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