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The in game adjustable 3rd person camera was new info to me.



What adjustable 3rd person camera?

Around 3.47 he mentions the ability to adjust the 3rd person camera. I could just mean the ability to rotate it.
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What adjustable 3rd person camera?


No details on HOW it's adjustable, just that it is. Hopefully, it means we'll get proper crosshairs (toggle-able in settings of course) as well as the ability to "stick" the camera angle in a certain angle instead of it uselessly reverting to a default position when we let go of M3.

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That is the best thing about Skyrim...lots of new factions...and hopefully many new quests and twists to the story. And then all the new possibilities created by great new mods that people make.


It's over 9000!!!!! But really there is a lot more than Fallout 3/NV and Oblivion.

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What adjustable 3rd person camera?


No details on HOW it's adjustable, just that it is. Hopefully, it means we'll get proper crosshairs (toggle-able in settings of course) as well as the ability to "stick" the camera angle in a certain angle instead of it uselessly reverting to a default position when we let go of M3.



"an all new 3rd person camera system that makes it much more playable in 3rd person"


"We have 3rd person cameras that you can now adjust and modify as you play to make sure you get to play the game exactly how you want."


Make of that what you will.

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I'm guessing you can do just that? I'm not worried about the 3rd person camera as long as I can see myself and the enemy.


I played your spoiler game. I was bored :P By the way I agree with you about the 3rd person. As long as I can see what I'm doing I don't mind. And if I can switch the orientation then all the better. I noticed a trailer had the camera looking over the char's right while the demo had it centered. I think I'd prefer centered though. Not sure about that trailer but that what it looked like when the character was sneaking through a forest.

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Oh, censoring. That's cool. So people are allowed to have offensive statements in their signatures, but no one is allowed to call them out on it? Alright, that gives me an idea for a new signature.


EDIT by LHammonds: Strike #1 for flamebaiting in your signature.


Most liberals are ignorant and/or stupid.
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Oh, censoring. That's cool. So people are allowed to have offensive statements in their signatures, but no one is allowed to call them out on it? Alright, that gives me an idea for a new signature.


If you have a problem talk to him or take it up with an Admin please. This is Skyrim Info. Not a Signature discussion/debate place.

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