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I only play as a ranger in Oblivion and a thing that really makes me mad is the fact that it is almost impossible to aim without being in 1st person. I prefer 3rd person and would like it if there was some sort of mark like there is in 1st person which indicates your aim. Have you guys heard anything about this?


I could be wrong but I think that someone wrote in his preview of the game that you automatically go back to first person while using your bow.


However, when it comes to oblivion, wasn't there some mod that added the crosshair to 3rd person camera? Don't remember the name though.

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I hate how people are complaining about the Single armor piece that is from Fallout. Obviously they need to do research. There are a lot of sites that are complaining about this. How it got that way I don't know. Either someone hated Skyrim and said that and people believed him. Or he/she was misinformed. People need to learn to research and see that what they heard is wrong.
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"From the look of the 360 footage visually it was a bit of a disappointment. The graphics were by no means poor, miles ahead of many games this year and worlds apart from Oblivion and Fallout, however compared to the amazing scenes we have seen on the PC footage it just came as a disappointment"


That's from a recent article about Skyrim: http://thegamershub.net/2011/08/skyrim-impressions/


Are the graphics that much better on PC?

What do you guys think?

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I hate how people are complaining about the Single armor piece that is from Fallout. Obviously they need to do research. There are a lot of sites that are complaining about this. How it got that way I don't know. Either someone hated Skyrim and said that and people believed him. Or he/she was misinformed. People need to learn to research and see that what they heard is wrong.


Hm? It seems that I'm one of those who have gotten misinformed in that case... So the armor is made of different pieces to equip after all?


Are the graphics that much better on PC?

What do you guys think?


Well, that was one of the explenations the devs gave to why they only have showed off the xbox version so far... And I think that one of the other previews you posted earlier said the same thing as in this one. I actually thought it was the same until I checked out the link a bit closer...



Walking away from the time we had watching the gameplay footage it is safe to say that Skyrim will be the real gamers choice over another overhyped game that releases in November, and no we aren’t looking at you Uncharted.

Minecraft? :biggrin:

Edited by amycus
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I hate how people are complaining about the Single armor piece that is from Fallout.


You mean that Chest+Legs is merged into one armor now?


Yeah and many think that the Cuirass and Greaves merged somehow means that the whole set is now a Single armor piece.

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hu.. never posted in this thread .. seems to change topic to quickly .. anyways .. The single armor instead of greaves and curass bothered me at first but then I remembered that fallout3 had so many more armors because of this and they still have boots and gloves so its all good. They just better not skimp on the clothes/armors
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I hate how people are complaining about the Single armor piece that is from Fallout.


You mean that Chest+Legs is merged into one armor now?


Yeah and many think that the Cuirass and Greaves merged somehow means that the whole set is now a Single armor piece.


I think I actually prefer it that way. It's how most games does it, and it makes it possible for them to make each armor to look as they want it to without worrying as much about the clipping.

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I hate how people are complaining about the Single armor piece that is from Fallout.


You mean that Chest+Legs is merged into one armor now?


Yeah and many think that the Cuirass and Greaves merged somehow means that the whole set is now a Single armor piece.


I think I actually prefer it that way. It's how most games does it, and it makes it possible for them to make each armor to look as they want it to without worrying as much about the clipping.


This isn't fallout with swords, and I liked having multiple pieces of armor, like in Morrowind. I personally thought it added quite a bit to the variety.


I guess I'll have to see just how much more armor they added.

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