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yea .. so I think this is settled? .. No blocking unless you have a shield .. and even then you cant hold it down and guard yourself .. you need to time it right .. its sorta strange coming from oblivion where anything but the bow could block hehe .. but it makes a more strategy based system.
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Pete replied, yep we can't block while heaving a one handed weapon.

Basically this: "Holding LT blocks w/ a shield, torch, or two handed weapon. Holding LT and then hitting RT does a bash."



I just said that a few posts ago, lol. But without the source never use Twitter that much so I won't understand it that much.

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yea .. so I think this is settled? .. No blocking unless you have a shield .. and even then you cant hold it down and guard yourself .. you need to time it right .. its sorta strange coming from oblivion where anything but the bow could block hehe .. but it makes a more strategy based system.


Huh? I could block with a bow. Don't know why you couldn't.

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yea .. so I think this is settled? .. No blocking unless you have a shield .. and even then you cant hold it down and guard yourself .. you need to time it right .. its sorta strange coming from oblivion where anything but the bow could block hehe .. but it makes a more strategy based system.


Huh? I could block with a bow. Don't know why you couldn't.


I dont think I ever tried <_<.. I just assumed .. anyways ..


"Bethesda has switched to a timing based blocking system that requires players to actively raise their shields to take the brunt of the attack. If you hold down the block button, your character will attempt to execute a bash move. If you catch a bandit off guard with the bash while he's attacking, it knocks him back and exposes him to a counter or power attack. Players can block and bash with two-handed weapons as well, but it isn't as effective as the shield."


Thats from the old game informer combat information from way back in the day... just for a little more proof on the blocking system...

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No blocking with one-handed weapons or bows?Seems kind of a weird, but I guess it makes sense, it's not like I ever tried to block with the bow or a one-handed weapon in Oblivion.It's weird though that they list Archery with the warrior skills and then make it useless for warriors.
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No blocking with one-handed weapons or bows?Seems kind of a weird, but I guess it makes sense, it's not like I ever tried to block with the bow or a one-handed weapon in Oblivion.It's weird though that they list Archery with the warrior skills and then make it useless for warriors.

I was thinking about that...the Stealth category has no offensive skills. Anyone wanting to do a white bread Thief build would have to pick a Warrior skill if they wanted to do any fighting. Or, I guess they could try the Fallout/Deus Ex approach and beat the whole game with speech checks!


...That would end badly in Skyrim. "Hello there, mister or missus giant spider. I have compiled a list of compelling arguments for you to not eat me. Argument the firs-OH GOD MY LEGS I NEED THOSE

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