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If the video is not released today then it will most likely be released by monday or tuesday of next week I hope :( Or maybe we'll get to wait for another week instead ! :wallbash:
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I just don't get why they say we will get the video this weeek when it's prectically over, same thing happened last week and they didn't even release it. Why even make false announcements? It's Bethesda we're talking about, not some random company, I expected more from them.
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Indeed. I understand that unexpected issues come up, but this is why you always give yourself some wiggle room with this sort of thing: If everything goes perfectly and you can release earlier, we'd will be all the happier for it. You don't give a best-case date and then keep changing it as issues arise.
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Funny thing is how it can take such a long time to release a video that doesnt require any special editing (At least if it's just that demo walkthrough) except for the commentaries, which is just copy/paste and some sync. That is not supposed to take weeks to fix for a professional and payed editor! :pinch:


Dont mind me, just getting a little cranky. I'm happy with the small previews they've showed, just not the quality of the videos available for everyone on the internet. They have to think about us too!

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Somebody on the forums earlier said that this was part of their P.R. plan to keep people interested or something.....I agreed with that for the first week when it was delayed, but this is just pathetic now haha :wallbash:
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It seems that the video will be out on Monday. As said by Pete Hines


In other news:

"You can put weapons or magic in either hand. You can only equip shields and torches in your left hand. Bows as well." Source - Pete's tweet

I don't know why we shouldn't be able to equip a shield in the right hand, but it's not really a big deal.



Hah, I'm a :ninja:

Edited by Iv000
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