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I see they decided to go all out and milk that M rating for all it's worth, since they knew they were going to get it anyway.


She . . . raped the men as cruelly as Bal had ravished her,


What I want to know is if this is from a book or form in-game dialogue...


I just want to know how the hell she raped the men lol. Is that possible?


Happens to guys in prison and the military all the time. She just has to have a little help with her "hardware" :rolleyes:

Some form of strap that's put on maybe? lol Edited by SHIROryuu
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I see they decided to go all out and milk that M rating for all it's worth, since they knew they were going to get it anyway.


She . . . raped the men as cruelly as Bal had ravished her,


What I want to know is if this is from a book or form in-game dialogue...


I just want to know how the hell she raped the men lol. Is that possible?

Not in the UK! :teehee:


No seriously, it isn't, look at the words in the law...

Edited by Ghogiel
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This is serious it happen to a buddy of mine he went to a bar known for cougars and he went home with a woman he said had a wild look in her eye the drank so more she slipped a ruffle in his drink when he came to he was in the parking lot of the bar and his rectum was bleeding the dr said that he had wood splinters in his rectum and large traces of ruffalin in his system he had to have 3 surgeries the cops said that they found ruffles and a broom stick with his blood on it it can happen she is now serving 30 years after 20 she can parole out her name is Lisa banachoff. She is in lerdo state penatintuary for women Edited by crippledorphan
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I see they decided to go all out and milk that M rating for all it's worth, since they knew they were going to get it anyway.


She . . . raped the men as cruelly as Bal had ravished her,


What I want to know is if this is from a book or form in-game dialogue...


I just want to know how the hell she raped the men lol. Is that possible?

Not in the UK! :teehee:


No seriously, it isn't, look at the words in the law...


Sod Skyrim then, I'm off to do some pillaging!!


Thank god it's in a book I couldn't see TES doing stuff like that. In fact TES is probably the only game series classy enough to NOT feature a giant pink banana...

Would be funny though, especially if it was under the axe catergory and you could take the 'inflict bleeding damage' perk.

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Yeah yeah yeah, I know about that. I was just thinking maybe there's a character somewhere who says that, and that's where the ESRB got the quote from instead of the book.


*is just having a bout of wishful thinking due to REALLY wanting there to be more to vampires this time than "oh here are some generic enemies in a generic dungeon"*

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Oh my!

We can turn off the whole HUD if we want via HUD opacity options! source

Since I hate any kind of HUD, this is great! :biggrin:


Does that include the sprinting bar as well? Because in the video with the Khajiit I only saw the sprinting bar on the screen and it looked pretty odd with only that one there to be honest.

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Oh my!

We can turn off the whole HUD if we want via HUD opacity options! source

Since I hate any kind of HUD, this is great! :biggrin:


Does that include the sprinting bar as well? Because in the video with the Khajiit I only saw the sprinting bar on the screen and it looked pretty odd with only that one there to be honest.

Since any kind of bars are part of the HUD, It's safe to say yes!

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