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Some scans I found on elderscrolls.net:




Just wanted to say thanks!

Waking up in the morning and seeing a new screen of a Khajiit with a double flamethrower spell just made my day! :thumbsup:



Also, here's a screenshot of a Daedric sword. Looks absolutely gorgeous!



Wow, when I played as a mage in Oblivion it was either Khajiit or a Breton. I'm going with Khajiit in Skyrim!


That daedric sword looks awesome, too!

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What is this? Is she a falmer?



Yup, that's definitely a Dunmer. If they have Falmer in Skyrim, I'm sure they wouldn't be able to find them until after release. :thumbsup:

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although Falmer are sometimes seen as humanoid I believe bethesda has already said they are more like goblins .. they also said something about the lore in the world being wrong a lot since rumors are easily distorted in such a world .. plus they have been in the poratable TES game before and looked like goblins..


And heres a good blog post someone made ... http://midgetalien.blogspot.com/2011/09/falmer-in-skyrim.html



Edited by jedimembrain
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- ORCS: Beserker

- REDGUARDS: Adrenaline Rush,

- WOOD ELF: resist poison, resisit disease, command animals

- NORD: Battlecry

- KHAJIIT: night-eye, claw attacks

- IMPERIAL: Voice of the Emperor, find more coins when looting

- HIGH ELF: regenerate Magicka more quickly

- DARK ELF: Ancestor's Wrath (surround self in fire), resist fire

- BRETON: Dragonskin (absorb spells), resist shock

- ARGONIANS: Histskin (regenerate health quickly), resist disease 50%, breathe underwater


Weight slider is quite cool - not a massive effect on women, turns them from skinny to "slender but not skinny". Men can get massively buff.


So I went into the game and ran immediately out of the starting cave (a demo-specific area I think, I couldn't go anywhere else). First thing I noticed was beautiful music. Better than Oblivion's in my view. I checked the "game stats" screen for any sign of werewolf-related stats, and found nothing - but I also found no mention of vampires either, so that's not proof. I then went straight to the perk trees, and got as many as possible in my brief time (shorter than promised, because of queues).


- FIRST THING I NOTICED WAS THAT RACES HAVE DIFFERENT STATS TO START WITH. The baseline stat seems to be 15, with +5 in some stats and even +10 in others. For example:

- Argonians start with 25 in Lockpicking, 20 in Pickpocketing, Sneak, Light Amour, Restoration, Alteration

- Orcs start with 25 in Heavy Armour, 20 in Enchanting, Smithing (didn't see any more)

- Bosmer start with 20s in most of the thieving skills - Sneak, Alchemy, Pickpocket, Lockpicking - and a 25 in Archery





- Buying and selling price 10% better (5 ranks)

- 10% price buying from opposite sex

- Invest in shops and increase available gold permanently in invested stores

- Master Trader - every merchant in world gains 1000 gold for bartering

- Buy and sell from any merchant regardless of what they normally buy and sell

- Intimidation attempts twice as successful

- Persuasion attempts more likely successful



- Potions 20% stronger (5 ranks)

- Potions for restore health, magicka or stamina are 25% more powerful (maybe ranked)

- Poisons 25% more effective (maybe ranked)

- Poisons last for twice as many hits

- Two ingredients are gathered from plants

- 50% resistance to all poisons

- All negative effects removed from potions and all positive removed from poisons

- 2 effects of an ingredient are revealed when testing it for the first time (instead of just one)

- Another (unclear recording, sorry!)



- Dual casting overcharges effect for more powerful spell

- Cast Novice spells for 50% less magicka

- Cast Apprentice spells for 50% less magicka

- Cast Adept, Expert, Master etc spells for 50% less magicka (more levels this time around)

- Spells work on higher level animals

- Spells work on higher level people

- All spellcasting (from ANY school) is done silently

- Spells work on undead, daedra and automatons

- One I genuinely didn't understand, and it wasn't clear on the recording either - something about "Kindred Mage" or something.

- Fear spells work on higher level enemies



- Novice for 50% magicka etc (up to Master)

- Dual casting overcharges --> greater spell effect

- Bound weapons do more damage

- Bound weapons cast Soul Trap on target

- Bound weapons banish certain creatures (and I think summon creature in their place, not 100% on that though, dodgy recording)

- Reanimate undead with 100 more health

- Summon 2 Atronachs or reanimated zombies

- Summon Atronachs at twice the distance

- Summoned Atronachs twice as strong



- More damage for each school (fire, frost and shock) - ranked

- Novice for 50% magicka etc.

- Shock damage chance to disintegrate targets if their health is under 10%

- Frost damage chance to paralyse targets if health low

- Fire damage chance to make low health enemies flee

- Place runes 5x farther away



- Healing spells also restore stamina

- Novice for 50% less magicka etc

- Healing spells do 50% more healing

- Something about recharging healing spells (sorry about poor recording quality, it was in my pocket!)

- More is recharged with each hit with healing spells (again, sorry not 100% sure what this means!)

- Spells more effective against undead

- Once a day chance to autocast 250HP restoration when health drops low

- Magicka regenerates 25% faster



- Novice for 50% less etc

- Alteration spells have greater duration (probably ranked)

- Absorb 30% magicka that hits you

- Another couple - bad recording again



- Enchants are 20% stronger (ranked)

- Enchanted armour 25% stronger

- "Soul gems provide extra magicka for recharging" - again, dodgy recording but that's what I heard, even if it doesn't make much sense

- Death blows to creatures but not people trap souls for weapon recharge

- Health, magicka and stamina enchants stronger

- Extra effect on already-enchanted weapon can be applied

- Shock, Frost and Fire enchants 25% stronger (individual perks for each element) (probably ranked)


Heavy Armour

- Increase armour rating 20% (5 ranks)

- Unarmed attacks with heavy armour gauntlets - damage increased by gauntlets' armour rating

- Half fall damage if all in heavy armour

- Heavy armour weighs nothing and doesn't slow you at all

- Additional 25% armour if in matching set

- 25% armour bonus if all in heavy armour (not necessarily matching)

- 50% less stagger if all in heavy armour

- 10% damage reflected back to enemy if all in heavy armour


2-handed weapons

- 2h weapons do 20% more damage (5 ranks)

- Attacks with warhammers ignore 25% armour (ranked)

- Attacks with battleaxes do extra bleeding damage (ranked)

- Attacks with greatswords do extra critical damage (ranked)

- Power attacks cost 25% less stamina

- Standing power attacks do 25% bonus damage, chance to decapitate

- Sprinting power attacks do double (critical) damage

- Sideways power attacks hit all targets

- Backwards power attacks have 25% chance of paralysis



- Bows do 25% more damage

- Zoom in

- Zooming slows time

- 10% crit chance

- Move faster with drawn bow

- Recover twice as many arrows from dead bodies

- 50% chance of paralysing for few seconds (might be 15%, can't really hear...)

- Draw bow 30% faster

- Another about arrows - can't hear



- 20% harder to detect (ranked)

- Sneak attacks do 6x damage with 1h weapons

- Sneak attacks with bows do 3x damage

- Sneak attacks with daggers do 15x damage (end perk on skill tree)

- Noise from armour reduced 50%

- No longer activate pressure plates

- Sprinting while sneaking performs silent forward roll

- Running does not affect detection chance

- Crouching can make hostile enemies lose sight of you and search for a target

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Read about the falmer and I have a theory on how they could fit in skyrim game, if they still exist and were bannish by the nords long time ago what better time to try and reclaim their land when their enemy is in a civil war?These could be like in some point in the game you need to join the nords to fight the falmer.Now the dragons are not mindless beasts so they could be taking advantage of the falmer and making a falmer army to help them do whatever they are suppose to do XD I think it´s an interesting theory.
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Hey guys, Haven't been on the forum since Sept.11 . Something very bad happened to me and my family but we are all fine , glad to see everyone is still active and posting awesome info for me to catch up on (FML) lol. Found this on youtube tonight, probably old but Ill drop it here! Cheers!



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- ORCS: Beserker

- REDGUARDS: Adrenaline Rush,

- WOOD ELF: resist poison, resisit disease, command animals

- NORD: Battlecry

- KHAJIIT: night-eye, claw attacks

- IMPERIAL: Voice of the Emperor, find more coins when looting

- HIGH ELF: regenerate Magicka more quickly

- DARK ELF: Ancestor's Wrath (surround self in fire), resist fire

- BRETON: Dragonskin (absorb spells), resist shock

- ARGONIANS: Histskin (regenerate health quickly), resist disease 50%, breathe underwater


Weight slider is quite cool - not a massive effect on women, turns them from skinny to "slender but not skinny". Men can get massively buff.


So I went into the game and ran immediately out of the starting cave (a demo-specific area I think, I couldn't go anywhere else). First thing I noticed was beautiful music. Better than Oblivion's in my view. I checked the "game stats" screen for any sign of werewolf-related stats, and found nothing - but I also found no mention of vampires either, so that's not proof. I then went straight to the perk trees, and got as many as possible in my brief time (shorter than promised, because of queues).


- FIRST THING I NOTICED WAS THAT RACES HAVE DIFFERENT STATS TO START WITH. The baseline stat seems to be 15, with +5 in some stats and even +10 in others. For example:

- Argonians start with 25 in Lockpicking, 20 in Pickpocketing, Sneak, Light Amour, Restoration, Alteration

- Orcs start with 25 in Heavy Armour, 20 in Enchanting, Smithing (didn't see any more)

- Bosmer start with 20s in most of the thieving skills - Sneak, Alchemy, Pickpocket, Lockpicking - and a 25 in Archery





- Buying and selling price 10% better (5 ranks)

- 10% price buying from opposite sex

- Invest in shops and increase available gold permanently in invested stores

- Master Trader - every merchant in world gains 1000 gold for bartering

- Buy and sell from any merchant regardless of what they normally buy and sell

- Intimidation attempts twice as successful

- Persuasion attempts more likely successful



- Potions 20% stronger (5 ranks)

- Potions for restore health, magicka or stamina are 25% more powerful (maybe ranked)

- Poisons 25% more effective (maybe ranked)

- Poisons last for twice as many hits

- Two ingredients are gathered from plants

- 50% resistance to all poisons

- All negative effects removed from potions and all positive removed from poisons

- 2 effects of an ingredient are revealed when testing it for the first time (instead of just one)

- Another (unclear recording, sorry!)



- Dual casting overcharges effect for more powerful spell

- Cast Novice spells for 50% less magicka

- Cast Apprentice spells for 50% less magicka

- Cast Adept, Expert, Master etc spells for 50% less magicka (more levels this time around)

- Spells work on higher level animals

- Spells work on higher level people

- All spellcasting (from ANY school) is done silently

- Spells work on undead, daedra and automatons

- One I genuinely didn't understand, and it wasn't clear on the recording either - something about "Kindred Mage" or something.

- Fear spells work on higher level enemies



- Novice for 50% magicka etc (up to Master)

- Dual casting overcharges --> greater spell effect

- Bound weapons do more damage

- Bound weapons cast Soul Trap on target

- Bound weapons banish certain creatures (and I think summon creature in their place, not 100% on that though, dodgy recording)

- Reanimate undead with 100 more health

- Summon 2 Atronachs or reanimated zombies

- Summon Atronachs at twice the distance

- Summoned Atronachs twice as strong



- More damage for each school (fire, frost and shock) - ranked

- Novice for 50% magicka etc.

- Shock damage chance to disintegrate targets if their health is under 10%

- Frost damage chance to paralyse targets if health low

- Fire damage chance to make low health enemies flee

- Place runes 5x farther away



- Healing spells also restore stamina

- Novice for 50% less magicka etc

- Healing spells do 50% more healing

- Something about recharging healing spells (sorry about poor recording quality, it was in my pocket!)

- More is recharged with each hit with healing spells (again, sorry not 100% sure what this means!)

- Spells more effective against undead

- Once a day chance to autocast 250HP restoration when health drops low

- Magicka regenerates 25% faster



- Novice for 50% less etc

- Alteration spells have greater duration (probably ranked)

- Absorb 30% magicka that hits you

- Another couple - bad recording again



- Enchants are 20% stronger (ranked)

- Enchanted armour 25% stronger

- "Soul gems provide extra magicka for recharging" - again, dodgy recording but that's what I heard, even if it doesn't make much sense

- Death blows to creatures but not people trap souls for weapon recharge

- Health, magicka and stamina enchants stronger

- Extra effect on already-enchanted weapon can be applied

- Shock, Frost and Fire enchants 25% stronger (individual perks for each element) (probably ranked)


Heavy Armour

- Increase armour rating 20% (5 ranks)

- Unarmed attacks with heavy armour gauntlets - damage increased by gauntlets' armour rating

- Half fall damage if all in heavy armour

- Heavy armour weighs nothing and doesn't slow you at all

- Additional 25% armour if in matching set

- 25% armour bonus if all in heavy armour (not necessarily matching)

- 50% less stagger if all in heavy armour

- 10% damage reflected back to enemy if all in heavy armour


2-handed weapons

- 2h weapons do 20% more damage (5 ranks)

- Attacks with warhammers ignore 25% armour (ranked)

- Attacks with battleaxes do extra bleeding damage (ranked)

- Attacks with greatswords do extra critical damage (ranked)

- Power attacks cost 25% less stamina

- Standing power attacks do 25% bonus damage, chance to decapitate

- Sprinting power attacks do double (critical) damage

- Sideways power attacks hit all targets

- Backwards power attacks have 25% chance of paralysis



- Bows do 25% more damage

- Zoom in

- Zooming slows time

- 10% crit chance

- Move faster with drawn bow

- Recover twice as many arrows from dead bodies

- 50% chance of paralysing for few seconds (might be 15%, can't really hear...)

- Draw bow 30% faster

- Another about arrows - can't hear



- 20% harder to detect (ranked)

- Sneak attacks do 6x damage with 1h weapons

- Sneak attacks with bows do 3x damage

- Sneak attacks with daggers do 15x damage (end perk on skill tree)

- Noise from armour reduced 50%

- No longer activate pressure plates

- Sprinting while sneaking performs silent forward roll

- Running does not affect detection chance

- Crouching can make hostile enemies lose sight of you and search for a target

Thank you and kudos, good sir! That is indeed a mountain of info.


That said, I'm a bit underwhelmed by some of these perks. Lots of percentage damage/protection/mana cost perks in there...but Sneak sounds awesome! So does Destruction. It's hit or miss, in my opinion, but I'm excited nonetheless. :thumbsup:

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