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He will tell me when it comes out I only have him on Facebook but he's not on right now I will ask him when I can. It will probably be at elderscrolls.com/skyrim if I'm right.


If you don't know who Gstaff is, he is the Sr. Community Manager at Bethseda with that rank he is the Webmaster of the Bethsoft forums. He is a pretty cool guy.

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I'm sorry to everyone who thought I worked for Bethesda Softworks. It was a bad joke played on Stardusk in the chat, which I thought would be harmless and did never intended it to come out like this. Stardusk, I'm sorry...




Well, now when that's out of the way, some new Fan Art was added to Bethblog yesterday: (It looks really cool!)




It's ok man. Det war ok... :thumbsup:

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Anyone else notice the Adoring Fan's head mounted on the wall of that new fan art Zaldiir posted? :laugh:


But anyway, speaking of fan art (sort of), I made an icon for my Skyrim folder. It's Vista/7 ready (256x256), but looks good on XP as well. I decided to share it if anyone wants it, uploaded to 4Shared, which is hopefully cool with everyone. Skyrim Icon

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Video review of the latest Skyrim trailer. I like how this guy talks about ES games.


Part I:


Part II:




PS: these videos are long.

Edited by Pushkatu
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Oh no! Adoring fan is taking over the game like I thought he would. Quick does anyone have a guide to adoring fan apocalypse. JK


@ Pushkatu those are really good videos you found thanks.

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Anyone else notice the Adoring Fan's head mounted on the wall of that new fan art Zaldiir posted? :laugh:


Anyone notice the other adoring fan talking with the bearded guy at the back of the room on the right hand side? o_O


Maybe that's Fargoth in the background.. But that would mean the worst has happened: Both of them are in the same room.

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Anyone else notice the Adoring Fan's head mounted on the wall of that new fan art Zaldiir posted? :laugh:


Anyone notice the other adoring fan talking with the bearded guy at the back of the room on the right hand side? o_O


Maybe that's Fargoth in the background.. But that would mean the worst has happened: Both of them are in the same room.


Well, what can I say? Looks like pointy heads are taking the trend :D

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