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I think the fact that Bethesda sees fit to leave out a lucrative feature such as Multiplayer because it will make for a "lesser game" speaks volumes about how hard they're working to make the absolute best game possible this time around.


The hype for Skyrim is several magnitudes higher than it was for Oblivion. The end product for Oblivion felt a bit rushed, and the result was a somewhat shabby, unbalanced game in many aspects. But since all eyes are upon them now, I don't think Bethesda will release a game that's any less than pristine in their eyes. And they certainly have plenty of time to do so.

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I'm rather glad they won't turn it into an MMO, being single-player is what made the world and lore so rich, as well as really drawing you into the game.


When I played Runescape, I was focused on clan wars, quests, etc., I wasn't in the least bit concerned with the world around me as I was with upgrading my character so I could knock someone's skull in when I played Castle Wars. I knew next to nothing of the lore, either.


When I played Oblivion, all those distractions were gone, and I could really immerse myself into the world and actually interact with the NPCs.


So yeah, it's a very good thing Skyrim won't be an MMO.

Edited by InuyashaFE
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good i'm not alone lol. if only i was one of the press that played the demo version. wouldn't you think magazine companies would start publishing magazines including what they experienced? or somewhere on the internet
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