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South Sudan to vote for independence!


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Tomorrow will South Sudan vote for independence. They want to be dragged away from a suppressive Muslim Arab north. South Sudan has a population of mainly Black African Christians and has been made second-rate citizens by theArab majority in the north. This has caused a lot of rebellions over the years. South Sudan also owns almost every oil well of Sudan, so it's pretty rough for North Sudan to get back after this hit in the face. South Sudan's independence could cause other African nations to detach from their former country, which would probably be better, as Africa's borders has been dragged by a bunch of Colonial countries.


I think it's great that South Sudan detaches from the suppressive North Sudan. I hope they will use their oil sensible and establish schools and get an educated nation and be a symbol to the African countries. I completely support South Sudanese independence and will support an Africa with more nations, these dragged borders doesn't make any sense and will only make it worse for Africa.


So what do you think?

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Doubt it.


This is going to get bloody. In Africa it always does-Sudan especialy. I'd expect atleast 100 fatalities on vote day, whenever you get religions mixed with tribals you get rabid extremist thugs; and add into that the extremists already ruling Sudan and you realise just how bloody this is going to get.


These arent going to let there territory go without a fight; let alone if as you say those that inhabit it are considered a lesser race.

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The Sudanese Government has already been flagrantly butchering it's own people for a long time now. If they officially become an independent nation, I don't see how it'll slow that down. But I'm by no means a political maverick, so who knows?
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It doesn't much matter if it gets bloody or not. Independence is rarely won without bloodshed; Sudan would be no different. Chances are the Sudanese are already aware of what could happen, so I doubt they're walking into this blind. As the old saying goes, freedom isn't free, and I am guessing they understand that. Whatever the cost, I hope they accomplish it.
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Hopefully without to much blood. Yeah. I mean. Thats horrible. Like cannot be there some sense in this poeple in some of those countries.


And about involvment from "us": Well the story is already kinda there in africa i think. No need to mention it. Except to those who are stuck their whole life at the tv. Like get educated about the situation, get out of your bubble, or leave it be, but dont necessarly look to the media of whoever is financially involved.

Edited by Nadimos
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You mean FOX? I don't think any logical person will call Fox News a realible source of infomation. BBC, ABC (Australia version) and CNN are more realible and less bias than many American news channels or newspapers that are owned by News Corp (evil company). But enough of that...


South Sudan will get their freedom from the north at long last. We need to keep in perspective that these people have suffered a great deal and this will help both sides a lot. No one wants to see war, this I know but being cynical won't help them as well. Positive thinking is needed and I feel that they might just pull though the tough times that lay ahead. Lets all cheer the people on and wish them long and solid peace ahead.

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You mean FOX? I don't think any logical person will call Fox News a realible source of infomation. BBC, ABC (Australia version) and CNN are more realible and less bias than many American news channels or newspapers that are owned by News Corp (evil company). But enough of that...


South Sudan will get their freedom from the north at long last. We need to keep in perspective that these people have suffered a great deal and this will help both sides a lot. No one wants to see war, this I know but being cynical won't help them as well. Positive thinking is needed and I feel that they might just pull though the tough times that lay ahead. Lets all cheer the people on and wish them long and solid peace ahead.

IMO CNN tries to hard, they will say everything is equal even if a right winger tries to assassinate a democrat.


I doubt it will end in peace, also the chances of the US getting involved are VERYYYY low.

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