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Male Armors


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so i wanted to know what male armors that the users here uses because i am simply lost lol


every page i look at its 95% female armors which are not a bad thing but im having trouble looking for quality male armors


so what male armors do you guys use?

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This is a pretty good list: Non-Sexy Armor and Clothing List


It's not a list of exclusively-male armor, as the vast majority of armors have both a male and a female version. But almost all of them were really designed with male characters in mind, and even the ones that weren't avoid the chainmail bikini and skimpy anime type stuff.

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I don't really use armors persay on my male characters. I fancy them to be more ranger types or adventurers. Here are a couple I really like. I'm not a huge Assassin's Creed fan or anything, by the way, but I like the weapons and the look of the black robes and boots (I don't even necessarily use the hoods all the time).


Assassin's Creed - Altair's Gear

Addonay's Ranger Coats

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My mods are all male - and before anyone goes OMG DONGS!, it's not all sexified. Tons of male stuff though.
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I am addicted to downloading armours and clothing so it's hard to list them all. Pretty much most of what I find for my male characters is just me using the search, typing in "robert male" and hitting go. It's the most popular male body replacer so there's lots of stuff. They range from the sexy kind to the conservative lore-friendly type, should be something there for your tastes.


I'll just go with a few random choices...


There's the heroes store if you don't mind the large file size, but worth downloading (if only for the beards and bling!). It's almost exclusively armour for males http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=22962


They're clothes, but you can change that in the Construction Set if you really want armour versions I guess (just find them sweet for my conniving characters): http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=35439


This is for slender archer types: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=31892


I don't think I have this installed yet, but it's definitely going in soon: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=14999


This armour's been converted for almost every body (check the rest of nivea's stuff too): http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=23850


A bit longer than I expected this post to be, but hope it helps.

Edited by Azrax
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A store that sells beards? Don't you know it's a crime for anyone besides sheogorath to have a beard? And I didn't look at your armors, Slof, but I'm having a hard time imagining armor that doesn't protect the "bits and pieces". That would be the thing I'd want to armor most.
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Anything by Slof!


Slof's "da man" when it comes to fabulous clothing, accessories, and armor for male characters. Yes, some of her stuff is sexy, but most is just designed to make a man look well-dressed without necessarily looking pornographic. She runs Oblivion's most elegant haberdashery. (And for anyone who does want the pr0n, there's also OMG DONGS!)


Seriously, though. It's a real shame that she's one of the only modders dedicated to the male form, and I say that as somebody with absolutely no sexual interest in said form. I don't play male PCs very often but when I do, I always have trouble coming up with a proper wardrobe because there isn't much out there. Not much armor and even less clothing. I'm looking through all the links provided in this thread to add to my own mod collection for next time the urge to play as a gentleman strikes.

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