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When Nature Calls...


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So we have mods requiring the player to eat, drink, sleep, bathe, and even shave (for men), so why not one for relieving oneself?


You may laugh, but I guarantee you this would appeal to a large amount of players, namely the hardcore immersion lovers (like myself).


Some features that could be in the mod:


1) Player is required to relieve oneself based on either a set rate, or food/drink consumption, or both. Rate can be increased by consuming heavy food or alcohol.


2) After "going", the player gets a "relieved" buff for some time, which grants a slight boost to stamina. If the player does not relieve him/herself for a long enough time, they will receive and "uncomfortable" buff, which lowers stamina. If they wait too long, they will soil themselves, which takes away the "uncomfortable" buff but grants the "soiled" buff which lowers speechcraft. Could possibly interact with some other bathing mods to affect hygiene.


3) In combat, if the player has not gone to the bathroom in quite a while, they may soil themselves if they go below a certain health/stamina threshold, or if hit by a power attack. Imagine being attacked by a barrage of falmer, then seeing the message "You have soiled yourself" in the upper left hand corner!


4) Players may relieve themselves anywhere in the wilderness, near bushes, trees, rocks, lakes, rivers, in caves, etc. Relieving oneself in towns and populated areas, or near guards, can be considered a minor crime.


5) Players may purchase items such as toilet paper, which will automatically be used from their inventory every time they go to the bathroom, and grants a "fresh feeling" buff, giving a small boost to stamina/stamina rate. Toilet paper could be crafted from rolls of paper, linen wraps, or scrolls at the tanning rack. There could also be some fancy "scented" toilet paper, which grants different buffs based on the ingredient (lavender, dragon tongue, etc) Much better than using leaves, right?


6) There could be outhouses or water closets in/around inns, which grant the "fresh feeling" buff without the need of toilet paper, since it would be provided, perhaps even for a very small fee.


7) Certain diseases could cause the rate to go up, requiring the player to go far more often, giving more incentive to be cured.


As far as any animations go, I don't think there is a need for it. The screen could go dark for a bit, maybe with an *ahem* little sound effect, who knows. All waste will automatically be buried, so there's no need for any...visual elements.


I would SO play with a mod like this. Obviously it wouldn't take itself too seriously, and could make for some fun/silly moments. But there is no doubt an audience for something like this, and to be honest I'm surprised it hasn't been made already. Even if a mod like this never gets made, it was still fun to imagine :D

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Hmm I never saw that before, I searched for a mod like this but wasn't able to find it, but I guess I'm just blind. Regardless, the existing mods are a bit rudimentary, I'd love to see something more involved like the top needs mods out there.

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