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What I want of Weapon Types is:

Chitin, Iron, Steel, Silver, Dwarven, Glass, Ebony, Daedric, Orcish, Nordic, Dreugh(clubs), Bonemold(Bows), Imperial, Wooden(Staff) - So basically, Morrowind Style :P

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Yeah, some new ones would be amazing!

Considering there was NO new weapon type in Oblivion, it's about damn time! :P



But what I think, now that I mentioned Oblivion, is that Cyrodiil is a rather normal province, much like Roman in history, so they didn't do anything special for that like Morrowind's mushrooms and such, but Skyrim is something special again, and now we will see some really unique locations, items, characters and such! :)


EDIT: And my theory was JUST confirmed by Matt Carofano over at Bethesda! :P

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With the location of the game we must surely start with a general type weapon such as a seax which can be thrown or used hand to hand.

Once a character has a bit of cash the next step would be to have a spear which is the northern weapon of choice due to affordability. With spears it would be great to have the risk of a spear's shaft shivering or being chopped off in combat. This could be maybe related to both luck and ability with said weapon. The natural tactic of northern warriors, and please let us see it even if just for set piece battles, would be to take part in a shield wall. Imagine taking service as a huscarl in a jarl's household and having to push and shove as well as the generic rpg tasks.

As your character gained in status in a lordly household you could be awarded with a sword which could have the attached rings with enchanments.

Axes? both throwing, woodsmen's and the great two handed battle axes would be essential. Imagine maybe wearing a bearskin which gives beserker talents, which could be expressed as a lack of control over your character while in the rage. A beserk charge into a shield wall, laying around left and right shattering shields etc would be outrageously good fun. On the subject of shields, both classical and later literature is full of accounts of the catastrophic failure of shields and weapons under the duress of intense battle, please let us see it.

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Remember that this isn't Scandinavia, it's Skyrim.

And based on history, Skyrim is a very wealthy province (This may have changed in the 200 years that have passed, but I doubt it has changed too much.), so using spears because of affordability may not be true to Skyrim. But you have good ideas. :)


But I am hoping and believing that we'll see the return of Trollbone and Nordic styles of both Weapons and armor, as this is the Nords styles, among others. :)

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Remember that this isn't Scandinavia, it's Skyrim.And based on history, Skyrim is a very wealthy province (This may have changed in the 200 years that have passed, but I doubt it has changed too much.), so using spears because of affordability may not be true to Skyrim. But you have good ideas. :)


But I am hoping and believing that we'll see the return of Trollbone and Nordic styles of both Weapons and armor, as this is the Nords styles, among others. :)


THANKYOU!!!!!!!!!!! :laugh:


I've been trying to get that through people's heads for a while now.


I don't recall Trollbone, where is it from, Bloodmoon perhaps?

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What I want of Weapon Types is:

Chitin, Iron, Steel, Silver, Dwarven, Glass, Ebony, Daedric, Orcish, Nordic, Dreugh(clubs), Bonemold(Bows), Imperial, Wooden(Staff) - So basically, Morrowind Style :P

Love the list, especially Imperial , since the Empire is now basically defunct these should be rare and high quality.

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One thing I what for the holiday - besides the actual game - SPEARS!!!!!!!!!


Some thing new tho would be awesome unique to Skyrim like as mentions earlier ice glass or dragon bone weapons! EPIC! :thumbsup:

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