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10,000 years


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Hey everybody, I kinda need your help on something. This poem I have written, 10,000 years, is devoted to my History teacher Mrs. Brady, who's soon to lose a close family member. I wrote this to try and say how much me and my class appreciate all she has done to bring us College leveled history. If you guys have the time, please tell me what you think of it. I want it to be good by the time I give it to her, so thanks in advance...



At first it was an idea, at first it was a thought,

At first it was but simple, but simple was well taught.

Fire in the forests, planting in the ground,

Building sacred temples, atop of sandy mounds.


But these were simple tasks, not great compared to come,

Yet from the blood of labor, the wait was here was done.

Together they built houses, with hands their pillar grows,

The roads had met together, at the Roman Rose.


Although their shining moment, their work long and hard,

Corruption torn them down, like a stack of cards.

The world fell in darkness, swept by – the – black - sea,

And man had faltered under, it’s greatest weakest knee.


The years that came were brutal, the years that came a chill,

The years that came to plague them, had left them scared and still.

But as their world darkened, as hell was drawing near,

Man had found some hope, out from their blackened fear.


Their numbers rose again, as did their feeble mind,

They took the nail and hammer, new changes soon to find.

Italia saw it first, expanding the brush and chisel,

Society was anew, and became a somewhat civil.


Mountains loomed their cities, armies lined their doors,

Kings had to come to power, and waged the bloody wars.

As divine became their right, and took their royal stand,

Their people were busy working, change was in demand.


From ideas and from the books, new knowledge came to be,

And with knowledge came the scriptures, the scriptures to be free.

America led the way, and pushed the Recoats back,

France was soon to follow, determined to attack.


Thrones were cold and empty, man had moved along,

Europe took a stand, together they were strong.

With the crown behind them, their choices of their own,

Society again to change, but now they were alone.


Britain blew the steam, Britain struck the coal,

Britain struck the steel, and changed the world whole.

Their iron screamed the loudest, and moved as fast light,

Railroads crossed their island, but became a mighty blight.


They became a little faster, more clever by the year,

Until their brightest creations, shook the world by sheer.

Germany took the reins, and changed their neutral manner,

They wanted a German world, united under a banner.


But even in these times, when man was at his worse,

They learned to change for better, to sing a different verse.

The world became as one, people hand in hand,

To change the Earth again, the ground on which we stand.


Throughout this brief period, there were those who knew the nooks,

And they passed on their knowledge, through the oldest books.

There were voices who could sing, there were voices that could preach,

But there is only a single Brady, History she can teach.


And with these set of zeros, a time that never stirs,

We yearn to learn our past, thanks to those like her.

In the minds we grew, there is room for love to fix,

Thanks to a certain Brady, of room 3-1-6.

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Interesting an approach to a long history of humanity and also a mixture, I suspect, of the objective and the more subjective and personal.


I have read this through but I will want to come back and read it again before giving my final feedback.

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Dear Keanu,

I agree basically on Mahrg's post.


To honour your teachers work in class, I would say that it is a very good work you done on poetry, keep on going in your interests of history to learn for the future. I encourage you to read more on history or classic literature it is worth it.

"We learn from the past failures to avoid present or future failures!",

or like a gamer of the 80s would say today to another younger gamer: "Ever played Pitfall I and II? No ? Then you would know! "


Oh and I'm very fond of the rhythm of the stanzas you did choose for this poem.

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To honour your teachers work in class, I would say that it is a very good work you done on poetry.



She deserves it, having to put up with a loud class of teenagers everyday. The work we recieve is pretty tough I will admit, but a teacher who makes the art interesting, and is working to give us a twenty day tour of Europe...


There are some teachers who just don't do that.



keep on going in your interests of history to learn for the future.



You don't need to worry, I will. :happy:

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