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Nude Oblivion Video

Guest Tessera

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Guest Tessera

Hi folks,


Recently, I made some modifications to Eshme's body textures. What I ended up with looks absolutely gorgeous and I tossed together a couple of videos of my sexy Mystic Elf character ("Raven"), using FRAPS. I've already posted a few screenshots of Raven on this board, so at least a few of you should already know that she's a photo-realistic female Oblivion character that I'm rather proud of. :D


I'd love to share those videos with this community, but there's a catch...


...she's pretty much totally nude in the videos, because (1) she just looks great that way and (2) you wouldn't be able to see the small-but-significant changes that I made otherwise.


So... before I post any links, I need to know from Switch whether or not such content is permissible on this board. I know Oblivion is rated "M" for mature, but I still wanted to check on this first. If such links are not permissible here, then I won't mention it again.


The videos are cute and in good taste, however. I think most mature players would enjoy watching them, otherwise I wouldn't have brought this up. I'm also hoping for some feedback, as this is my very first attempt to do this kind of work (with textures and meshes).


Anyway, I'll await a moderator response before I post any further details on this topic. I appreciate your indulgence.



- Tessera -



EDIT: permission has been granted. Many thanks.



The video is hosted on my own website, so here's the link:


Tessera's Nude Oblivion Video


Enjoy... and constructive feedback is welcomed. :)

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Guest Tessera
Let us know, Switch :P


LOL... sorry, I'm still not 100% clear on the heirarchy around here.




[Link Removed]


There, now we've posted some nice tasteless porn. Your polygonal nudity is now safely below the established standards for this thread.


Ugh... that was disgusting. I'm shocked. :P


Seriously, though... the modified version of Raven looks very realistic and is now anatomically correct, which is why I wanted to check first.

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Let us know, Switch :P


LOL... sorry, I'm still not 100% clear on the heirarchy around here.




Dark0ne is the site admin. Switch is just a moderator. I think you can consider the lack of "NO. DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT" from him permission to post it.


[Link Removed]


There, now we've posted some nice tasteless porn. Your polygonal nudity is now safely below the established standards for this thread.


Ugh... that was disgusting. I'm shocked. :P


You must have a very fragile mind... there are far worse search terms I could have used!


*evil laugh*

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You could also submit it on Youtube. I'm not sure about their policy regarding nudity content however, but as long as it's not pornographic in nature, there should not be any problems.


Switch is just a moderator.


Switch is an administator. At least was last time I checked.

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There, now we've posted some nice tasteless porn. Your polygonal nudity is now safely below the established standards for this thread.

Peregrine humor... You gotta love it.


Switch is an administator. At least was last time I checked.


Yes but who made him an admin? Dark0ne. If Dark0ne says it's okay (or doesn't say it's wrong) it doesn't matter what Switch says. I don't think Switch would mind anyway.


You could also submit it on Youtube. I'm not sure about their policy regarding nudity content however, but as long as it's not pornographic in nature, there should not be any problems.

True. But they will rate it mature so people with an account saying they are under 18 won't be able to see it.

But if they really want to see it it's easy to create an account which says you're older than that.

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LoL at Jollepoker's sig...


And I don't really have a problem with it provided it comes with enough warnings and what-nots. Just make sure you make the description clear.


I'm not really for having an all-out hardcore sex Oblivion video on the site, but an upgraded better bodies...I can look the other way.

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