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Proof-of-Concept and Will Players Enjoy?


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Hello Nexus! I am nearly complete with the first stage of a mod I have yet to name, which will include 10 unique, hand-placed, one-handed swords into the game, each with a unique appearance, effect, and location. These will be over-powered by vanilla-game standards, but should fit well within other mods. They will also require players to go out and (re)explore the world, get to hard-to-reach places, and find the unique structures surrounding the swords. The abilities of the swords are sometimes complex (two of which require my own scripting), but are very unique and true to the swords' lore, location, and aesthetics. The lore will be seen in-game with a book in the city of Whiterun, which also hints towards the locations of the swords. The 10 swords are already textured and are complete aesthetically, 8 of the enchantments are complete, and 5 have been placed into the world. I hope to upload this to the Nexus as soon as all 10 swords are complete and in-game, and testing proves the mod to be completely functional. Afterwords, I hope to add even more content, including an armor set in the works, my take on the Battleaxe of Hatred, and more. I have used many modders' resources to help me get to this point, and will credit them upon posting of the mod (Ghosu, InsanitySorrow, and Gizmodian for various resources). I will add an image of one of the more visually-appealing swords, the Shard of Lorkhan, which contains elements from two of the modders listed before (I apologize if the image quality isn't great). I am posting this both as a bit of a teaser and proof-of-concept, as well as a way to see if you, the modding community, would enjoy playing this mod. Let me know if you would enjoy this mod!






Edited by SmilingJack2
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Not even half of the nexus visits the forums, so you would not get a clear answer.


However, mods of such nature are always welcomed by hardcore players. So give it a try dude!

You may wanna improve the textures though, that seems like a 64-bit texture or you are really bad at screenshots.

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