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Why the hate on fast travel?


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I hope they just find a way to make it interesting. Like maybe at any location on the path to your fast travel destination, it dumps you off in a heavy blizzard, or under attack. In Skyrim fast travel should definitely be weather permitting. No fast travelling in a blizzard, if u really need get out,pack up, and trek your way through the storm, making fires and shelters and killing stuff. Maybe a quest when you're stuck in a village under heavy storm, requires you to fight something(can you imagine a better time for an all-out vampire attack on a town, dark multiday storm?! :woot: ) or flee through the storm. There'd better be blizzards in Skyrim, or you might as well be in Florida with a few inches of snow on the ground. 8) Also rivers and lakes should freeze seasonally or year round, and falling through could be another one of those fast travelly interrupting events.All this would still keep the convenience of fast travel, but make it more plausible, dangerous, and definitely less repetitive.
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Well, I try not to use it however, sometimes I have to follow a route that I've walked 100 times before. Or I do not like the quest and wanna be done with it so I speed it up by fast travelling. Or I do not want to lose the pace sometimes and I fast travel.


But many times I want to enjoy roleplaying. I set up camps in the night. Put my venison and onion and tomatoes on the campire, eat them, repair my stuff, drink wine and sleep. However, it all depends on my mood.


Besides, fast travel may not be logical but actually running through the whole country from one side to another in a day?


Is that logical?

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The problem with fast travel is that story writers take it into account when writing quests, they will send you all over the map to fetch things because hey people can fast travel anyway. There are much more elegant solutions than a simple instant teleport to every location of interest that is on the map


Now here's a guy that knows what he's talking about. I'm trying to make the same point. By having fast travel you miss out on many nuances and elements of story telling which involve the journey.


Well, I try not to use it however, sometimes I have to follow a route that I've walked 100 times before.


This is an area that needs to be addressed by the game makers. They should make it interesting to walk around. Maybe you encounter a new villain, maybe you meet a new interesting NPC who gives you a quest you could not have found other wise, maybe there is a traveling merchant who has items you can't find anywhere else from the far reaches of the land... The possibilities are all there and are only limited by imagination.


When they take the easy route and just let you teleport because there won't be anything interesting anyways... it's such a waste.

Edited by Fatalmasterpiece
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Also keep in mind that while imagination is a limitation, deadlines are easily a bigger one. Yeah, travelling somewhere with a caravan or sailing with some chums across the frigid waters would be intensely helpful for immersion. At the same time the effort put into those and adding in all this little side stuff with villains and the like isn't a small task by any measurements. I'm also willing to bet that many people couldn't be bothered to utilize these when they can so easily select a location on the map and be there in no time. If most players are fast travelling, that's a lot of effort put into something very few are making use of.


Of course, I'm all for revamping fast travel. Perhaps not entirely removing it, but it definitely could use some work. I enjoy fast travel. I would, however, not mind seeing the scope of its usefulness narrowed. Perhaps limiting fast travel to certain locations; cities, towns, and major landmarks. Is it really important to be able to teleport right to every little nook and cranny in Skyrim? There's well over a hundred spots in Oblivion that I've never fast traveled to once. By placing limitations on where a person can fast travel, it would make sense to develop things like boat travel, etc. There'd be a real, necessary purpose.


I suppose we'll see though. If any of the ideas in this post make it into the final release I'll eat all of your hats.

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Of course it takes more time to develope something with depth and artistic vision rather than quick short cut. That's why I'm hoping they take that time and make a game that is really visionary and not just mediocre.


Let's face it, Oblivion, beyond the visual facelift and modding capabilities had some really mediocre advances in comparison with Morrowind.

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Well, that's true. ;p However, I must admit there are times when I don't want to sit in front of my LCD for 45 minutes watching my avatar's horse walk from point A to point B so I can say three words to NPC Y. Then there's other times when I just finished the big dungeon and my health is like 5%, so I want to get to town without taking a chance on being taken out by the next puppy I see. (Or that sees me as the case may be.)
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I don't mind fast travel too much. I really disliked the fact they added all cities up front in oblivion. They probably did that after the issues with morrowind. Most friends I let play morrowind had no idea what to do (they usually killed everyone in the start area >.> ), combined with quest markers and direct possibilities to visit areas they removed a gap and allowed more types of players. However.. again I disliked the fact they just added every city from the beginning as it looses the adventure of finding new cities. Yes you can just ignore it, but if someone offers you a possibility you are inclined to take it. Yes there are mods that remove them, but it's should've been there on vanilla as an option and it doesn't solve it for console users. I like fast travel in general as traveling the same thing for 20 times gets boring in an open world game, I just hope they adjusted it in the next game >.>.
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I myself use fast travel all the time in oblivion but if they would spice it up in a nice way by making things happen in the world as you travel I would probably take the long way, but complaining about sorting certain kinds of players out just because you think they play wrong is just stupid to me
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