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FO3 Stuff--->FNV Mod.....Legal?


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I'm pretty sure this has been asked before but I can't seem to locate the thread.


I'm working on a mod where I wish to include some FO3 Weapons and Armor(Chinese Pistols,Chinese Assault Rifles and others) that aren't used in FNV.Would that give me any legal trouble to upload it here?I don't wanna get any strikes(as the Moderators call it) for doing it.

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Maybe you are not understanding, as you say "database" it is a strange choice of words.


If u are loking in geck there is refs from fo3 in it. and if u are looking in bsa archives there is resources from fo3 in it.


I have no idea what percentage of stuff is included form fo3 but, since data files take up more space than the ref entries do, i would assume that u see a lot more fo3 stuff in the esm than you do by browsing the archives.


Because they would want to remove content they are not using to reduce file size.


But its really simple tho, if the resources are not included with fnv then u cant use it.

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By ``database´´ I mean all the resources included in the bsa.I'm sure that I read somewere(Maybe it was at Beth forums)that as long as I don't port a large part of FO3(like say,the whole Citadel and it's NPCs) on a single mod for FNV there is no probem,but since I haven't found the place were I saw that I'm not sure of what to do...


About the precentage of FO3 stuff in the GECK there's a wide selection,but all of FO3-non-FNV weapons and armors aren't there.

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It's extremely simple (and yet people are trying to make it more complicated than it is). Treat every mod you make for New Vegas as though you don't have Fallout 3 installed and never did. You can ONLY use assets that are in the VANILLA version of Fallout New Vegas.


No "ifs", "ands" or "buts". No grey area. No nothing.


People are now getting banned for breaking this rule as they've had ample warning.

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