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M'aiq the liar in TES V


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I have no doubt in that he'll show up in the fifth Elder Scrolls.

But how he can survive two hundred years?

Possibly we'll see 'M'aiq the lich' or hear something like 'People often ask M'aiq how he survived 200 years. M'aiq thinks that they confused me with somebody else'


What do you think?

Edited by Nealus
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What doesn't make sense to me is that they criticize certain topics then end up going back on what they said, for example;


"M'aiq prefers to adventure alone. Others just get in the way. And they talk, talk, talk."


And then they go and add companions to Fallout 3. :rolleyes:

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So far, in several play throughs, I haven't run into M'aiq in Fallout3 or New Vegas. Different world. :biggrin:


I do hope they include M'aiq in Skyrim though, and I hope he has a bigger part than in Oblivion. Maybe some cryptic clues instead of just obscure references. But he is called 'the liar' for some reason. :tongue:

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I think he should be some kind of Skyrim version of the Adoring Fan -- think of the fun!


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