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The Nexus 2.5 Millionth Member Competition


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My jaw dropped to the floor when I saw bben's response. I thought I had mis-read the rules there for a sec. hehehe.


If you cannot create new models, animations, textures or sounds, you can only use the content that ships with the game (from what I understood).


And don't think that you cannot win just because your mod is just an ESP file. Creativity in using what is available to you is a major factor in the success of a mod. :thumbsup:


Dark0ne's description of the defense of "fort Nexus" from trolls is completely do-able by using the assets that come with the game and the Construction Set.



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My jaw dropped to the floor when I saw bben's response. I thought I had mis-read the rules there for a sec. hehehe.


If you cannot create new models, animations, textures or sounds, you can only use the content that ships with the game (from what I understood).


And don't think that you cannot win just because your mod is just an ESP file. Creativity in using what is available to you is a major factor in the success of a mod. :thumbsup:


Dark0ne's description of the defense of "fort Nexus" from trolls is completely do-able by using the assets that come with the game and the Construction Set.





I used just vanilla stuff and I came third so it is indeed completely doable.

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Hmmm....a Nexus fort being defended by mod-knights in Vvardenfell Glass armor....hmmmm....


EDIT: And before you ask, no I am not serious since the mod contains work by two other modders

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It's a shame that we can't use modders resources, it makes the playing field rather unfair as well. If you can't model, you're suffering a handicap in this competition to those who can. One can only hope that is kept in mind when judging. Most other modding competitions allow resources to be used, to compensate for that handicap.


The main reason WHY I asked and why that wasn't clear to me was because this is a community competion. The theme is representing the community, and yet you can't use things created by the community? This seemed wrong to me, that celebrating a community should involve that community's work. That was my initial interpretation of that, and I see that I was correct before I second guessed myself.


Good luck to every one involved! I won't be playing, as I don't have time to model everything I would want to include!

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It's a shame that we can't use modders resources, it makes the playing field rather unfair as well. If you can't model, you're suffering a handicap in this competition to those who can. One can only hope that is kept in mind when judging. Most other modding competitions allow resources to be used, to compensate for that handicap.


The main reason WHY I asked and why that wasn't clear to me was because this is a community competion. The theme is representing the community, and yet you can't use things created by the community? This seemed wrong to me, that celebrating a community should involve that community's work. That was my initial interpretation of that, and I see that I was correct before I second guessed myself.


Good luck to every one involved! I won't be playing, as I don't have time to model everything I would want to include!


Well , there is still a while until the end of the competition , you should learn Blender. The Wiki has some great articles and would make it easy to learn.

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Korana, limiting the competition to only allow what you create makes the judging and awarding process simple. If you submit something that is just yours and yours alone, there can be no complaints about said reward...such as a resource author wanting a slice of the pie for the mod you submitted that included his/her work. This also avoids some rather sticky issues around permissions and possible revocation of said permissions. Many assets are made freely available with the intention that nobody will be making any profit from it...however, if you use their work and you receive something because of it, you are cheating that resource author. Does that sound fair to you?


Although I am not the authority on the matter, I have already said in a prior post that you can still have a chance at winning by being creative in how you create your mod. Nothing that Dark0ne said about what he'd like seen done says there has to be new models, textures or animations to accomplish it.


If you go for the Nexus fort idea, there is a LOT of things you can do creatively...such as an NPC on the top of the fort (appropriately named Dark0ne) that casts silence spells called "No forum posting for 30 seconds" or a paralysis spell called "IP Lookup" or a fireball spell that instantly disintegrates all armor and is called "Naked Trolls" or a Silver warhammer that can insta-kill anything and makes the body disappear and is called "Troll Banisher." For even more fun, you could have it where any moderator that falls in battle is immediately resurrected and why not rename them from "Dark0ne" to "Dark0ne.2" or "buddah" to "buddah.2" so you can know how many times each NPC has died based on their name. This list can go on-and-on.



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