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Concern re: Abuse of "block" feature.


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So it worked, for a year, you updated, and now it does not work.


How an ENB upgrade works is this: If you have a problem, you do not tick off the author to the point of being blocked.


Seems like some woe is me and damn them stuff.


You're about as right as someone thinking they can drink rubbing alchohol instead of vodka.

Lets just leave this to the mods so sort out please, that's the purpose of this thread.

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It is correct that we will not remove blocks that mod authors have made. Robin made it clear that this is their prerogative and they can block someone for any reason (or no reason) for anyone that post in their mod thread (I can find a link to the news article if you need to see it.) However if you believe a post or PM has crossed a line in the Terms of Service of this site then you report it. We will not discuss moderation in the open forums. So please report the PM or post with any relevant information and we will look into it. As such I believe this thread needs to be closed as it does not seem you are wanting help with the mod, but resolution for what you believe to be a moderation issue at this point.~Lisnpuppy

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It is correct that we will not remove blocks that mod authors have made. Robin made it clear that this is their prerogative and they can block someone for any reason (or no reason) for anyone that post in their mod thread (I can find a link to the news article if you need to see it.) However if you believe a post or PM has crossed a line in the Terms of Service of this site then you report it. We will not discuss moderation in the open forums. So please report the PM or post with any relevant information and we will look into it. As such I believe this thread needs to be closed as it does not seem you are wanting help with the mod, but resolution for what you believe to be a moderation issue at this point.~Lisnpuppy



You're right, I've reported the post in question already, I don't air other people's dirty laundry for the world to see. That's between myself, the mod author in question and the staff so I think we're on the same page there.


This is about concerns that the system as its currently set up allows for the out right ignoring of bug reports.


I believe that's counter intuitive to the spirit of the system as it's denying the (potential) issue exists which in turn is deceptive towards those who would download the mod and those who are experiencing similar issues and looking for a resolution in the comments section of the mod. Especially if proper troubleshooting with video evidence exists. I'd like to get a response on that part specifically if you wouldn't mind and thanks for taking the time to respond. :)

Edited by diyeath
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Pretty sure the system is working as intended.


It is correct that we will not remove blocks that mod authors have made. Robin made it clear that this is their prerogative and they can block someone for any reason (or no reason) for anyone that post in their mod thread (I can find a link to the news article if you need to see it.) ...



I highlighted the relevant part of Lisnpuppy's post for you. They can block you for any reason they feel like, that's exactly the point.


Sometimes users feel they're being helpful when the modders actually feel like they're being unfairly (and publicly) harassed which can lead to modders getting upset enough to stop modding or supporting their releases. The blocking ability is designed to allow the modders to feel some relief from what can be a very stressful situation.


As for it's invalidating users ability to search threads for relevant errors - it's my experience that people tend to ask first randomly (in chat or random forum "plz halp" threads) ask again with more focus (in the actual mod's comments or release thread) and then, if they haven't been handed an answer, search for relevant answers (in the release thread or with google). This random casting of the net means that the mod's release thread, though a powerful tool in troubleshooting, is not the only place someone might find relevant mention of a similar error and potential fixes.


Also, endorsements aren't permanent. If you feel you've been given a bit o' the ol' bait and switch, remove your endorsement along with the mod in question.

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You're about as right as someone thinking they can drink rubbing alchohol instead of vodka.

Lets just leave this to the mods so sort out please, that's the purpose of this thread.




This thread is still all about you and retribution.

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Perhaps you should consider the guy who has 990 endorsements and a technical background a bit more?"


I dunno, buddy. This does sound like kind of a dickish thing to say, in my opinion.

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OP has taken this to PM, yall can lay off now. SizeScale and SourceScale are set to 5.0 for the presets they are fussing over. Set to < 1.1, play without stutter. (they sent me a vid showing how they are comparing presets, using ENB Configurator or some such, where the defaults are set to something I wouldn't set them to.)


PS SizeScale and SourceScale determine the size of the sample, when set to 5.0, that is FIVE times the size of your base textures. Stuttering is most likely attributed to this setting.


PPS: Anyone with experience in ENB will tell you that editing from the IN GAME editor will help you more than that other Configurator thingie. :smile:

Edited by MotoSxorpio
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