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Fallout 4 announced with teaser trailer


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In response to post #25818759.

vroix wrote:

It amazes me how people can tell and comment so much just by looking at the trailer.

In my opinion, no gaming companies can satisfy all players.

There will be always at least one who complain about it or perhaps hate it.


I'm just happy that Bethesda makes Fallout 4 and hope that it is better (in gameplay, combat, features, etc.)

The people complaining obviously have the same hopes. They are complaining because those hopes were undermined by what they saw on the trailer.
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But IMO, It almost certainly looks like it's stilll on Gamebyro, or CreationByro or whatever they want to call it XD.


DX11 looks tidy though :) Will be interesting to see, if it indeed is GB engine all spruced up, how far it has evolved, if that is at all possible.

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Done, no worries, I'll come home and it will be there waiting..when ever they start.


I see no reason to wait or doubt, you can't complain about what you don't know yet and you can't complain after wards either.

what ever they have, your gonna have to live with.


I wonder, are there any special packages with that pre-order? like bonus armour or something?

Also, since I never pre-order before, can you download the whole game before the release date or you have to wait until the release date in order to download it?

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@vroix, I wouldn't know as I just buy the things when they become available .It does say on steam there are other things you do get if you you were to pre-order things.... the last thing I read was something in the nature of %off other games and any possible future DLC's if any.


But I buy a lot of games and not just on steam. I buy from all venders to date, some time directly from the companies as they review things.

Best to just take that leap of faith considering what took place recently...But..if your nervous? wait till after E3 is over, you may loose out on the very things you might other wise be entitled too.

Roll the dice and see. It is not going to matter any way, your going to have to buy the game to find out.

Currently playing a bunch of (Origin) games EA and things. I am interested in other things the games involve , techniques and sources used, attributes used, that sort of thing.

The longer you wait ,the weaker the deals become. you always have that choice.

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In response to post #25820789.

vroix wrote:

Done, no worries, I'll come home and it will be there waiting..when ever they start.


I see no reason to wait or doubt, you can't complain about what you don't know yet and you can't complain after wards either.

what ever they have, your gonna have to live with.


I wonder, are there any special packages with that pre-order? like bonus armour or something?

Also, since I never pre-order before, can you download the whole game before the release date or you have to wait until the release date in order to download it?

There's often a preload. That can range from a day to a week, though.
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In response to post #25820789. #25821294 is also a reply to the same post.

vroix wrote:

Done, no worries, I'll come home and it will be there waiting..when ever they start.


I see no reason to wait or doubt, you can't complain about what you don't know yet and you can't complain after wards either.

what ever they have, your gonna have to live with.


I wonder, are there any special packages with that pre-order? like bonus armour or something?

Also, since I never pre-order before, can you download the whole game before the release date or you have to wait until the release date in order to download it?

JianXintou wrote: There's often a preload. That can range from a day to a week, though.

Not sure if there will be a preload, though. Since you can extract the BSA archives... If Fallout 4 uses them.
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In response to post #25809369. #25809884, #25811279, #25811379, #25811454, #25811619, #25811709, #25811839, #25812549, #25812579, #25812739, #25816559, #25817939, #25818664 are all replies on the same post.

frogzilla98 wrote: I feel like I'm in a club of eight who like the fact that the Protagonist may have a voice.

Traditionalfire wrote: DA2 will always be my favorite Dragon Age.
frogzilla98 wrote: Just a lowly refugee, your champion arrived
Brown shores of Ferelden fade to Kirkwall's buzzing hive
Rose above the poverty and rose above the pain
My friend became the savior of the white city of chains
frogzilla98 wrote: Seriously, though. How do you feel about the protagonist having a voice?
Rioplats wrote: I'm against the idea. I'm planning to really involve myself with learning to create mod content starting with FO4, and this makes it really hard to make it immersive. Doesn't it feel wrong to you if you can speak normally to one NPC, but then you suddenly become mute whenever you speak to a modded NPC?
Thviker wrote: Honestly, the trailer makes it look like it's not modifiable at all, but hopefully that's just because it's pre-rendered.
Rioplats wrote: No way, I refuse to believe that Bethesda has given up modding... It looks like a boosted version of the Creation/Gamebryo engine, so it should be moddable, right?
Thviker wrote: I have lost all hope myself of this game being tolerable. So I counting on you guys to keep the hope up. Everything may change once we see some actual gameplay though.
hector530 wrote: Entire video was rendering in game...
Thviker wrote: You can't prove that.
hector530 wrote: go to their facebook they say it, BGS has never done bullshots.

One the very few who havent
frogzilla98 wrote: @Rioplats - No, it wouldn't be wrong to me because that mod quest isn't part of the original game so I wouldn't expect voice acting from the Protagonist.

TheCourier13 wrote: @ hector530

ArekkusuStorm wrote: @TheCourier - I didn't see it on their Facebook page, but Hector's right, it's written on Bethesda store's preorder page: http://store.bethsoft.com/brands/fallout/fallout-4.html

Pre-order Fallout 4 and get 20% off your next purchase on the Bethesda Store! (A 20% off code will be emailed to you after purchase. 20% off excludes games, pre-sale, deposit and sale items. Codes expire October 31, 2015.)

World’s Most Anticipated Game in Development at Bethesda Game Studios. Full Details to be Unveiled on June 14th at Bethesda’s E3 Showcase.

“We know what this game means to everyone,” said Game Director, Todd Howard. “The time and technology have allowed us to be more ambitious than ever. We’ve never been more excited about a game, and we can’t wait to share it.”

The game’s official trailer, created >in-game< at Bethesda Game Studios, can be viewed at: www.fallout4.com.

Fallout 4 has not yet been rated by the ESRB.

@frogzilla98, Obviously that's what your head tells you; don't expect voice acting from mods. But mods work so well because they fit into the game as if they were meant to be part of the game. Once that's taken away, you're just left feeling like it was a cheat or broken. If that doesn't bother you, I guess you're just not an immersive modder, and there's nothing wrong with that. It's just that people like myself are.
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