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500 or 501 posts under your avatar opens up the option in your forum settings.


Yup, 501. :thumbsup: (Says the one who couldn''t figure out where the field was on the Profile page until after hitting 600!)


So it's not just opening doors in Amnesia that you struggle with? :teehee:

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Always happy to help :thumbsup:


Well,, sometimes if I'm not busy :verymad:



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500 or 501 posts under your avatar opens up the option in your forum settings.


Yup, 501. :thumbsup: (Says the one who couldn''t figure out where the field was on the Profile page until after hitting 600!)


So it's not just opening doors in Amnesia that you struggle with? :teehee:



Poor Thandal... You're never gonna give up on that one, are you Rob? :P

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500 or 501 posts under your avatar opens up the option in your forum settings.


Yup, 501. :thumbsup: (Says the one who couldn''t figure out where the field was on the Profile page until after hitting 600!)


So it's not just opening doors in Amnesia that you struggle with? :teehee:

Sir? Excuse me... Sir? Could you tell me where I am? I seem to have lost my way (again...) :blush:



I thought I was in a nice neighborhood, but it seems I've strayed into the seedier parts of the internetz. :tongue:

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