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Odd export error.


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I'm new to Blender, I've been working with it for several days now. I've been doing a lot of editting of vertices. I've exported several editted vanilla objects successfully. I open up something new altogether with the same settings, and I get this error upon export. Google didn't help me. What are I do wrong? :c


Blender NIF Scripts 2.5.5 (running on Blender 249, PyFFI 2.1.6)

niftools.blender.export:WARNING:Merging materials 'm_074' and 'm_059' (they are

identical in nif)

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "C:\Apps\Blender\.blender\scripts\bpymodules\nif_common.py", line 1227, i

n gui_button_event


File "C:\Apps\Blender\.blender\scripts\bpymodules\nif_common.py", line 1579, i

n gui_exit


File "C:\Apps\Blender\.blender\scripts\export\export_nif.py", line 4538, in co


exporter = NifExport(**config)

File "C:\Apps\Blender\.blender\scripts\export\export_nif.py", line 407, in __i


root_block, root_object.getName())

File "C:\Apps\Blender\.blender\scripts\export\export_nif.py", line 1153, in ex


self.export_tri_shapes(ob, trishape_space, node)

File "C:\Apps\Blender\.blender\scripts\export\export_nif.py", line 2447, in ex



File "C:\Python26\lib\site-packages\pyffi\formats\nif\__init__.py", line 6850,

in set_triangles

triangles, stitchstrips=stitchstrips))

File "C:\Python26\lib\site-packages\pyffi\formats\nif\__init__.py", line 6861,

in set_strips

self.strip_lengths = len(strip)

File "C:\Python26\lib\site-packages\pyffi\object_models\xml\array.py", line 70

, in __setitem__

return self._set_item_hook(self, index, value)

File "C:\Python26\lib\site-packages\pyffi\object_models\xml\array.py", line 10

5, in set_basic_item

return list.__getitem__(self, index).set_value(value)

File "C:\Python26\lib\site-packages\pyffi\object_models\common.py", line 180,

in set_value

raise ValueError('value out of range (%i)' % val)

ValueError: value out of range (152228)

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  • 4 months later...
Hate to revive such a dated thread but has this problem been solved? I got the same common.py line 180 reference along with that pesky ValueError: value out of range while trying to weigh an outfit for BBB. I'm posting a link to the .blend file if anyone wants to verify this failing or perhaps get it to export. Thanks in advance for any helpful replies.
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probably not it, but could it be that there is an unweighed vertex or 2 in there, I forget the actual error that you get if that is the case, so it's probably not it, but there is a way to select any unweighed vertices, again I forget what you press to do that. I'm rusty at blender usage.
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The blender nif script tells you explicitly if there are unweighted vertices, or vertices not assigned a body part.

That's what I thought as well. Not only tell you but also highlight / select which verts are not weighted. However, I have only seen it do that whenever I had just a single object with a problem. It may be slightly different if you have multiple objects that require additional rigging. Or maybe they verts are rigged but reference armatures that do not exist (such as a different skeleton)

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  • 4 weeks later...
I have also come across this problem, although I found my solution. I had to try a few things first. First I realized I had the wrong skeleton and then I found export settings to be incorrect as well. My mesh had no meat caps for dismemberment but the option was selected under the fallout 3 export settings. Removing that solved it.
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