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I would like to mess with various robots. I'm very happy, though, because there will be dwemer ruins. Also, my favourite enemies are Will-o-wisps.

They look very unusual and beautiful.

I think Bethesda should look at Vacuity's Spirits and Ephemerals mod and make various types of wisps and spirits in Skyrim.


Also, I wonder if there will be many kinds of undead enemies. More than in Oblivion.

Edited by Nealus
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from the TES mythos or from your mind, either way list some of the monsters you would like to see.

please give good description if its from your mind, not just a name with a limited description/explanation


I'd like to see bosses. But, they could only be killed by hitting their weak spot or something, like how Zelda bosses work. Perhaps luring a giant skeleton into a pit of fire? :D

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I really hope there are dremora and liches.



Liches? Lichii? Lichen?


I hope the more traditional Morrowind critters show up again, like the Ogrim, the alit, and of course the guar. But god no, not the Cliff Racer.


Edit: Lichapodes!

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id like to see some skill required monsters, monsters that will be above your level and very dangerous. id rather have places with weak as hell critters and places with unbelievably hard titanic monsters that take some serious skill to kill.

not just the level with you ones.

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There should be distinct groups of wilderness dwellers, forest bandits, tundra bandits, etc. There should be localized groups of necromancers and rogue mages, and they don't just live in magic caves, they patrol around attacking travellers. They definitely need random encounters like in fallout 3. Maybe a long list of just random miniboss like encounters. Definitely unique vampire factions with faction specific abilities, like in the lore. I've heard maybe werewolves. And the wooly mammoths better be deadly and roam in packs, I only wanna be able to take down a lone sick one until my player is very powerful. Also no more leveling with my guy.What's the point of leveling if everything else gets harder with me. I level up to do things that are too hard before, not to make everything harder. Seriously, if you include it, make it optional. It just kinda blanded everything, I was never really screwed no matter how weak I was, even if I did something really stupid,(go into oblivion at lvl 1, and eventually beating the game at 3), and I was never god no matter where I went. Lvl 30s should be able to prance through the wilderness willy nilly, zapping all the lil' wolves and raggedy ass bandits they come across, or just own the local town guard, but instead when I'm lvl 30, amazing, fantastical beasts now roam every inch of Cyrodil, bandits have magical arsenals of ancient, mythical weapons, and the town guard is invincible.I got OOO a week after I got the game.
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I would like to see those seals like creatures from bloodmoon and the frost giant.The rest let it be a surprise.What I like most in fantasy games are the creatures and see what and how they are, that´s why they are called fantasy world games.The random encounters were confirmed, it will be different depending of what paths (worrior, mage or something else) you wish to take so I read. Edited by scot
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