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Alien: The Directors Cut


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Tomorrow's the big day, they're releasing Alien: The Director's Cut for Halloween, I'm taking my girl friend to see it, she hasn't seen any of the Alien movies before... ;)


Surely there have to be some other Alien series fans out there. . . Anyone else going to see this? Tomorrow we can use this topic to discuss it after we've seen it.


I... am assuming... I'm not the only one who will see this, even though I saw the first verson. :blink:

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Darmoth, do you honestly know exactly how irritating it is for me to know this? I would so love to go myself, bring my gal too. However, we already had plans for the night, so I guess I'm outta luck. Meh, I've had things I wanted to see but previous plans ruined already, so I'm not too horribly depressed. However, as this was already released to DVD, I probably won't have any problems getting my hands on it. (Or at least I think they did that)
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Darmoth if I read your coded whistles correctly they spell out the following equation.


Scary movie + girlfriend = comforting required > CENSORED. And of course, if by chance she is a modern gal who 'ain't scared o' nuttin', it can always be you who needs the comforting.


Hope you get everything you deserve.


(Deliberately cryptic remark to be taken, or left, as you please.)

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I've just been to see Alien - Director's Cut. Happy Halloween :D


The extra footage was good, but best of all was finally seeing the movie on a big screen - all the better to appreciate H R Giger's incredible artwork.




And what dark movie theatres seem to be mostly intended for would appear to be the noisy consumption of vast amounts of junk food, and leaving copious amounts of wreckage behind. Multiplex cinemas are places of such surpassing ugliness that even traversing the foyer leaves one feeling unclean <_<


Then again, it was Halloween, so scary sights were, I guess, appropriate :lol:

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And what dark movie theatres seem to be mostly intended for would appear to be the noisy consumption of vast amounts of junk food, and leaving copious amounts of wreckage behind. Multiplex cinemas are places of such surpassing ugliness that even traversing the foyer leaves one feeling unclean <_<

I used to clean one, so I know exactly what you mean. :rolleyes:

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