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I request that all mod authors be required to name their uploads after the same name of their mod. I keep seeing things like this:

Shining Paladin - Divine Armor has the file name "v1dot65 ". This is really troublesome if you don't catch it, then later try to find the mod, perhaps even because you need top remove it, and you cannot find it.






Edited by jennawatson
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Well the site could pretty easily rename mod files something standardized. It already renames the download based on which mod entry it is a part of. The site and the mod tools place many requirements on modders in order to get their files working correctly.


As someone who has been really bad about this in the past, I will try to do better.

Edited by lofgren
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Well the site could pretty easily rename mod files something standardized

Easily? We currently have over 118,627 mod files in our inventory for 185 games. :rolleyes:

It's always easy for the guy that doesn't have to do it. :laugh:


Most modders do try to follow a fairly standard naming convention, but often they forget to change the name they were using for development to one that makes more sense to everyone else ( Main.esp anyone? :wallbash: )

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I meant they could easily do it for mods that are added from that point forward, not for mods already on the site. Since mods have to follow a specific file structure to be compatible with NMM, you always know where the esp is. Just have the uploading system locate it and rename it (and the bsa of course). It would probably take far less time and resources than the virus scan does.

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