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One World Government


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Why would any of that happen? You don't need separate governments for people to start fighting, better living conditions for others means lower ones for us as resources are finite and the economy in some areas will be worse than others as one economic policy won't suit all areas, the Euro is a perfect example of that.


A perfect example that depends on local perspective and value. The bulk of the EU countries bemefits economically from the Euro, though the individuals might not. And those that live in the past either.


Look at what is happening to those who aren't benefiting, the Euro was doomed from the start because you can't have one policy and interest rate for wildly diverse areas.


Wildly diverse? Is that so, really? Gosh, we live side by side on the same continent since some thousand years, often in intermarriage - and have learned nothing on state level? What a pathetic display of separatism.


Are you seriously suggesting the economies of Ireland and Greece are anything like Germany and the UK? Ireland needed to raise interest rates a long time ago and couldn't because they had handed control of their economy over to the ECB, now they are looking at defaulting, it's not a case of if, it's a case of when. The Euro was and still is a political exercise, you can see that by the ridiculous amounts of other peoples money the politicians are willing to throw at lost causes like Ireland and Greece.


What a pathetic display of separatism.


Was there any need for this?

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The corrupt fiscal behaviour is one of the main causes for the the problems in the PIG countries. Real estate is tax free in Greece for example. An absurdity in the land of Onassis and Co.

What a pathetic display of separatism
Was there any need for this?

De facto, yes. Keep in mind that the areas between Alaska and New Mexico differ on a much larger scale. Our problem is just an artificial one: we are trained jingos, skilled to identify trivial differencies, unskilled to see the things in common. My wife is a German, the husbands of my sisters are an Italian and a French. Many of my relatives are "foreigners". That is Europe, the real one. And there is no way back into the Dark Age. Actually my family lives the American Way of Life on European soil, if you take my meaning. And we feel good.

Edited by DeTomaso
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The corrupt fiscal behaviour is one of the main causes for the the problems in the PIG countries. Real estate is tax free in Greece for example. An absurdity in the land of Onassis and Co.

What a pathetic display of separatism
Was there any need for this?

de facto, yes.


Does this also apply to Portugal, Spain and Ireland? Yes the Greeks aversion to paying for anything hasn't helped but still they'd be in trouble because their economy was being run under conditions that suit the Germans and not them. The one size fits all policy has been proven not to work, it's blindingly obvious to anyone who cares to look for themselves rather than listen to the politicians presiding over this fiasco. Even those vocally in favour of joining the Euro in this country have gone silent and with good reason. Spain, Ireland, Italy, Greece, Portugal and Belgium are all facing serious problems, that's an awful lot of people not benefiting from the Euro.


de facto, yes


That says more about you than it does me.

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That says more about you than it does me.


It goes both ways. And I am Belgian, so please don't play my advocate. As long as we are unable to adopt the ideal American feeling we are doomed to sink into insignificance, economically and politically. Already realized that the bulk of our exports, and most of the EU countries are export orientated, flows in the EU?


Be that as it may we have reached the real causes behind the difficulties of any peaceful unification under a single flag:

- historical reasoned regional patriotism

- regional authorities to decide on high level

- different forms of legislative

- different culture and religion

- asymmetric life standards


The latter is still good visible in the case of Great Germany, even after a generation since the Acta Kohl: a rich West and a not that rich East. The level of private indebtedness is much higher in the former Communist part of the reunited country, consequence of an aiming at the high West German life standard as the only true one.

Such a financial asymmetry we find again on a higher level in the PIG countries of the EU, now largely supported by the local governments with an increasing indebtedness of both the public and the private hand, the state bankrupt is the final result of a living beyond one's means. It might take a few generations though to compensate the given asymmetry without new debt even if the authorities of the national governments would ever be reduced to US state level or the like, showing Chancellor Merkel reduced in size as congresswoman or Governor of Germany in the United States of Europe for example. Fiction? Perhaps, but Europe has no workable alternative. The age of the old national states is over, the time of the Europeans has come, one way or the other.


Not before we have found solution approaches for a united Europe we might talk about the big picture - the united world of striking asymmetry in buying power that directly calls for a matching of the different life standards - and a relativization of culture and religion as well.


What we all might learn from the Trekkie universe is the willingness to share table fellowship with our former enemies - the aliens of old. Today we either row in the same team boat or we have to swim for our survival, alone in the dark. Good luck.

Edited by DeTomaso
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That's just it though. There is no solution. Cultures, religions, forms of government, etc. Too many differences to be ironed out easily. Don't expect anything to happen fast. And don't expect it to be fully realized without a war. Or two.
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That's just it though. There is no solution. Cultures, religions, forms of government, etc. Too many differences to be ironed out easily. Don't expect anything to happen fast. And don't expect it to be fully realized without a war. Or two.


I said already that global war leads to global rejection, finally global resistance. Look at the global war against terror.

On the other hand a global disaster that is to be solved only by all acting in concert would be a catalyst for that what is hopefully expected here - One world, one people. Not one world, one ruling people, eh?

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That's just it though. There is no solution. Cultures, religions, forms of government, etc. Too many differences to be ironed out easily. Don't expect anything to happen fast. And don't expect it to be fully realized without a war. Or two.


I said already that global war leads to global rejection, finally global resistance. Look at the global war against terror.

On the other hand a global disaster that is to be solved only by all acting in concert would be a catalyst for that what is hopefully expected here - One world, one people. Not one world, one ruling people, eh?


Well, said disaster could take many forms...... something along the lines of a meteor impact that affected EVERYONE might work, or, the aftermath of a nuclear war would qualify as well........ assuming the human race survived either eventuality.

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That's just it though. There is no solution. Cultures, religions, forms of government, etc. Too many differences to be ironed out easily. Don't expect anything to happen fast. And don't expect it to be fully realized without a war. Or two.


I said already that global war leads to global rejection, finally global resistance. Look at the global war against terror.

On the other hand a global disaster that is to be solved only by all acting in concert would be a catalyst for that what is hopefully expected here - One world, one people. Not one world, one ruling people, eh?


Well, said disaster could take many forms...... something along the lines of a meteor impact that affected EVERYONE might work, or, the aftermath of a nuclear war would qualify as well........ assuming the human race survived either eventuality.


The latter would fully traumatize mankind - there'd be no more trust in human leadership anymore, and no more expectations in a social life that has revealed itself as senseless and counter-productive for directed against its own nature. There is a striking psychological difference between a natural disaster and one that is consciously caused by the military. Only the former we'd, if ever, accept as "God-given" fate. And the fate of the survivors of the vaults would be sealed: they get killed as persons responsible when they'd open the gates to look what's up with the outer world.

Edited by DeTomaso
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That's just it though. There is no solution. Cultures, religions, forms of government, etc. Too many differences to be ironed out easily. Don't expect anything to happen fast. And don't expect it to be fully realized without a war. Or two.


I said already that global war leads to global rejection, finally global resistance. Look at the global war against terror.

On the other hand a global disaster that is to be solved only by all acting in concert would be a catalyst for that what is hopefully expected here - One world, one people. Not one world, one ruling people, eh?


Well, said disaster could take many forms...... something along the lines of a meteor impact that affected EVERYONE might work, or, the aftermath of a nuclear war would qualify as well........ assuming the human race survived either eventuality.


The latter would fully traumatize mankind - there'd be no more trust in human leadership anymore, and no more expectations in a social life that has revealed itself as senseless and counter-productive for directed against its own nature. There is a striking psychological difference between a natural disaster and one that is consciously caused by the military. Only the former we'd, if ever, accept as "God-given" fate. And the fate of the survivors of the vaults would be sealed: they get killed as persons responsible when they'd open the gates to look what's up with the outer world.


Well, the 'beauty' of the nuclear war scenario would be, most of those leaders, and the old systems of government, would be swept away in nuclear fire. The ultimate purification. There would be NO governments left. It would just be the people. Personally, I think we would be better off..... certainly not initially, but, in the long term, maybe we would actually get a clue......

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