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Question on OBSE


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Normally the hang at exit is due to deadlocks most of times caused by changes in the load order against the one the game was saved before. Not always is that the cause but when it's caused by deadlock the reason is often the same, the program is trying to close something that depends on another to be closed first, commonly being reflexive and that second need something from the other to go first.


So, it's not an OBSE problem at all.


Other than a clear error in one of it's function, rarely is OBSE itself the cause of problems, even when a mod depending on it is the guilt. Although OBSE is a fundamental utility it is not hard to test and grant working flawless because each function is self contained.


It doesn't depend on complex logic as a mod may do. I mean, each function is tested to work fine and provide the correct output if the input parameters are correct in type and range and existence. Now is all about the using mod to grant the parameters are correct and the output well used. And in this it's not different from the vanilla functions.

Edited by nosisab
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