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Lizzy Borden took an axe, she gave her mother 40 wacks, when she saw what she had done, she gave her father 41.


This is the nursey rhyme form the Borden murder that took place about a century ago. The song is still being debated as it is not currently known who killed her mother or father.

Edited by Keanumoreira
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The most destructive weapon known to be created in human history is Tsar Bomba, a Soviet nuke with the capability of a 100 megaton blast radius. I've also read somewhere that it would be able to wipe out the all of the UK.


The Tsar Bomba-"King of All Bombs" in Russian, was never fired at full power, it also marked the end of"BIGGER, BIGGER!!!" being the governing theory of nuke design. Soviet scientists, who had initialy ignored safety concerns, realised shortly before testing that the Tsar Bomba's fallout, if use on western targets, would cause massive loss of life in Russia, almost as much as the bomb itself.


The Tsar Bomba was only fired once, in a remote island chain far north of the russian mainland, for this special one-off testfire, it's reaction chamber was sealed in lead, slashing it's effective power by more than 55% to a mere 48 megatons. Nonetheless the explosion lit the sky for hundreds of kilometres and could be heard thousands of kilometres away in Finland. Earthshake from the explosion reverberated around the entire globe three times and could be felt anywhere on the planet as a minute vibration.


The Tsar Bomba was a highly impracticle weapon, the reason for it's downfall was mainly it's ludicrous, stupid impracticalities such as that no matter how fast it flew or how slowly the bomb dropped, the aircraft that dropped the bomb would be vaporaised if it fired at maximum power, the shear weigh of the damned thing, and the fact that it would damage the Soviets as badly as it would the west.


A Tarantula has longer fangs than a wolf, dog, cat, or small lion. Large female tarantulas can have fangs more than an inch long, the fangs themselves however are almost nonvenomous, and the creatures themselves are extremely docile, preffering to flee than confront a threat.


Many tarantulas dig burrows to house themselves and their young, some can be half a dozen metres long/deep.


The world record for car fuel economy is 109 litres of fuel to cover 150,000 kilometres at freeway speed. The vehicle responsible was a concept car designed by the german based Volkswagen/Audi auto group. The vehicle didnt break down during it's trials, and traveled the equivalent of most car's lifetime in two fuel stops.


The record for the most aerodynamic body shell on a car was set in 1956, It is not known to have been beaten.


A car can, with appropriate aerodynamic aids, turn harder than a human can survive. A specialy designed prototype race car's tolerance of G-Force without losing control is, with appropriate downforce, 16 G. A human cannot survive 7 G without suffering major side effects.


Drivers in the Iconic 24 hueres De mans (24 hours of Le Mans) always carry 25 euros in their vest pocket. This is a tradition dating back to the early days of the race when the cars where not specialy designed for the event, but usualy havily modified road sports cars.


Pit stops in modern runnings of Le Mans happen about once every hour to refuel and change to fresh tyres, but in the days before advanced pit lanes, and electronic fuel guages, running out of fuel was sometimes inevitable. Thus drivers always got an amount of money to buy petrol along the route in an emergancy, as if your car stops along the route at LeMans, you are considered out and ruled out of any prizes, challenges, and deals.

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I did some calculations involving Tsar Bomba once when I was bored. If you dropped it on the most densely populated area in the world (Tokyo, I think), you'd eliminate 0.04% of the world's population right there, not to mention more from the drifting radiation.
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You can't kill yourself by holding your breath.


I red somewhere that black slaves used to hold thier breath until they died, in order to escape slavery. Others, more lucky managed to jump off the boats that where taking them to America, even if thier hands where tied. - not confirmed 100%

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If a neuclear weapon detonates the upper atmosphere, atleast 15 KMs above planet earth, the gamma radiation from the explosion will strike the atmosphere and fragment in a massive electromagnetic pulse, a nuke deotantion in the far upper atmosphere above a major city could obliterate any nonshielded electronics, have drastic psychiatric effects on the populace, but would cause no fallout.


ElectroMagnetic Pulse or EMp are known for their frightening ability to massacre unshielded electronics without bringing humans to harm, these are on face value ideal for police and military use for bringing a peaceful end to violent machinery situations. however they have a little known dark side.


All humans have an adverse reaction to being exposed to EM radiation, this varies heavily from person to person, some barely notice it, but we ALL have an adverse reaction. It cannot harm you permanently, however, the psychottropic effects are dangerous if brought to bear on a large group of people.


Effects include delirium, vomiting, extremely violent headaches, crippling anxiety, a sense of dread or impending doom, an inescapable sense of all consuming panic, and in some rare cases, beserker rage, suicidal lemming like panic attacks, or violent psychosis. EMP can play temporary havoc with the electromagnetic workings of the brain, this disruption, if prolonged, can go further, causing complete insanity, loss of all physical control, amnesia, depression, or even suicidal terror fits or violent rampages.

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You can't kill yourself by holding your breath.


I red somewhere that black slaves used to hold thier breath until they died, in order to escape slavery. Others, more lucky managed to jump off the boats that where taking them to America, even if thier hands where tied. - not confirmed 100%


Even if you had the willpower to hold your breath until you passed out, your unconscious body would take over and breath while you were out.


Really cool facts guys!

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