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Skies are black in Tamriel


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Please don't hate me. I forgot that this morning I went to Tweak Guides looking for crash prevention, but I saw this too:


bAllow30Shaders=0 - If set to 1, this option allows (but does not force) the use of Shader Model 3.0 on graphics cards which support it, namely Nvidia GeForce 6600 or newer, or ATI X1000 series or newer. This can potentially improve performance when using HDR rendering for example. Check your RendererInfo.txt file in your \Documents and Settings\User\Documents\My Games\Oblivion directory to see if your card supports SM3.0 next to the option '3.0 Shaders'. Note however that even by enabling this option, Oblivion still appears to use 2.0 shaders (check the 'PSTarget' and 'VSTarget' lines in Rendererinfo.txt). In any case, if you have one of the cards mentioned above, it cannot hurt to enable this option.


Update: To force the actual use of 3.0 Shaders after making the above change, you will also need to check your RenderInfo.txt file (see above), and on the last line of the file check which shader package it uses (e.g. Shader Package : 13). Then go to the \Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\Shaders\ folder and rename that particular package to something else (e.g. rename shaderpackage013.sdp to shaderpackage013._bak. Now copy shaderpackage019.sdp and paste it back into the same directory, and rename this new copy to the package name your card uses (e.g. rename it to shaderpackage013.sdp in this example). This will force Oblivion to use the Shader Model 3.0 shaders in the game, which may increase (or reduce) performance and typically shows no image quality difference.


My RenderInfo.txt file referred to Shader Package 4 so I renamed it and copied 019 and renamed it to mimic 004.


BAD decision.


I went back to 004 and the sky is back. Funny thing, the sky was the only thing I noticed to get whacked.

Thanks for all your help and ideas. What a numbskull I am. :wallbash: :wallbash:


Lol! Oh, well, I suspect that we have all been down that road at one time or another. Glad you got things back to normal. :)

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yeah, remeber Bbens signature line?


"Sometimes I think we spend more time getting mods to work than we do playing the game - I know I do."


not only the mods aren´t often working correctly, they can even mess up a lot, i´m pretty sure i dumped FO3 with such stuff ^-^;

well, i´ll reset my PC anyway in nthe next weeks, then i can start over again -.-

and till then i play new vegas^^


and if everything else fails:

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  • 4 months later...

I know this thread is a few months old, but someone might still read this.


I did this same exact thing yesterday, by following the same advice thinking that my modern graphics card wasn't being used to it's potential. I was hoping it would improve visual performance on shadows and the like (I'm not that familiar with shaders and what they do). Anyway, I came out with the same black sky problem, but I had been messing with night eye shaders at the same time as well as Natural Environments. So I spent a day loading and unloading a bunch of that stuff... eventually I reinstalled Oblivion and my mods from scratch... and that fixed it, obviously, but I didn't know why.


So finally I stumbled on this page. This is definitely the problem, as I've tried it again with the same results to be sure. Easily reversed since I had made a backup, I just wish I'd known yesterday. Thanks for the info. Now I know not to mess with things I don't fully understand.



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  • 2 weeks later...
You will lose the daytime sky by forcing shader model 3 if you do so without enabling HDR lighting. For whatever reason, you need HDR lighting for shader model 3 to work properly. I personally used this tweak with a budget HD5570 card and was surprised to gain a significant FPS boost even with HDR lighting enabled. I have no idea how modern graphics cards are made, but for whatever reason my HD5570 works better with shader model 3 than 2.
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  • 1 month later...

Please don't hate me. I forgot that this morning I went to Tweak Guides looking for crash prevention, but I saw this too:


bAllow30Shaders=0 - If set to 1, this option allows (but does not force) the use of Shader Model 3.0 on graphics cards which support it, namely Nvidia GeForce 6600 or newer, or ATI X1000 series or newer. This can potentially improve performance when using HDR rendering for example. Check your RendererInfo.txt file in your \Documents and Settings\User\Documents\My Games\Oblivion directory to see if your card supports SM3.0 next to the option '3.0 Shaders'. Note however that even by enabling this option, Oblivion still appears to use 2.0 shaders (check the 'PSTarget' and 'VSTarget' lines in Rendererinfo.txt). In any case, if you have one of the cards mentioned above, it cannot hurt to enable this option.


Update: To force the actual use of 3.0 Shaders after making the above change, you will also need to check your RenderInfo.txt file (see above), and on the last line of the file check which shader package it uses (e.g. Shader Package : 13). Then go to the \Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\Shaders\ folder and rename that particular package to something else (e.g. rename shaderpackage013.sdp to shaderpackage013._bak. Now copy shaderpackage019.sdp and paste it back into the same directory, and rename this new copy to the package name your card uses (e.g. rename it to shaderpackage013.sdp in this example). This will force Oblivion to use the Shader Model 3.0 shaders in the game, which may increase (or reduce) performance and typically shows no image quality difference.


My RenderInfo.txt file referred to Shader Package 4 so I renamed it and copied 019 and renamed it to mimic 004.


BAD decision.


I went back to 004 and the sky is back. Funny thing, the sky was the only thing I noticed to get whacked.

Thanks for all your help and ideas. What a numbskull I am. :wallbash: :wallbash:


hi guys, i'm new here!

i was going to post a new topic about similar problem then i've noticed this one.

my sky is white, but with black clouds;

i've tryed all the suggestions to fix it, but no one worked :(

in my case the shader package was 7

i changed it because in another post they sayd it could help, it didn't :S

i've also tryed to set it back to original


All Natural

i have tryed to activate and deactivate and than re-activate changing all the things every time the "all natural" omod, the sky is still white



i suppose that everything began when i've installed the Oblivion Graphic Extender (that works fine, i love it) with all the s*** behind it like "OBGE Physically Correct Sky 3-0-1" (which i've uninstalled with wrye bash)


Clear Wheater

it could also have been the clear wheater mod that i've installed to have properly dark nights (in all natural infos i read that i can set the "all natural.ini" changing two parameters to have dark nights, but when i did it, nothing happend so i tryed to find a mod to do it, bad choice?)

ah, if you can suggest me a better one to have proper dark night (cause i still don't have any)


what can i do?


in game time: 3:33 AM


Edited by jeonitsoc
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hi guys, i'm new here!

i was going to post a new topic about similar problem then i've noticed this one.


Please do. This thread is six months old, and resurrecting old threads is against the guidelines.

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  • 1 year later...

This happened to me, so i disabled bloom and use hdr / aa. Even if you force aa in your graphics card and hdr works smootly.


edit: I just noticed this: "This thread is six months old, and resurrecting old threads is against the guidelines."

Sorry, i wanted to help. :(

Edited by Tarazed
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