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Tun-Zeeus at the Dividing Line in Leyawiin never fails to get a chuckle out of me with his great one-liner.


"The Dividing Line between a live hero and a dead one is a sharp sword. Get the best you can afford from Tun-Zeeus...Because you don't want to be on the dead guy side of the line, do you ?"


Edited by Striker879
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I find Lord Rugdumph to be one of the more humorous characters in the game, he provides endless amusement. I'm also a fan of Puny Ancus, he was one of the first beggars I ever encountered, and he just comes off as a kindly soul, I do whatever I can to prevent seeing him killed by accident. Most people seem to really like Methredehl, she's nice, but I prefer Carwen, she just seems a little more friendly and has come to my aid on several occasions at the Waterfront. :thumbsup:
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I like Elragail and Thamriel - maybe because my fertile and twisted mind has filled in a back story for that audio error, when Elragail refers to Thamriel as "He". It helps that I run TNR so the faces are younger and hotter too.
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