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Make a world "Underwater" without being underwater...?

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Here's an interesting question. I'm making a sunken city that I want to feel like it's under water, but without actually being underwater. I want the player to be able to walk around and breath and everything, but when you look up I want it to look like you're looking up at the surface of the water above you. (because, magic I guess) I initially just placed a bunch of water tiles in the sky, but of course everything below the tile is automatically treated like it's underwater. So . . . any ideas? Can you somehow make a water tile not make things behave like it's underwater?

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Welp, turns out you can either flip over a water tile or turn of it's "displacement" setting, so things won't swim. However, the bottom of the water will always look dark and featureless unless you're right up against it. Also, whenever you have large tiles in the sky, they start to clip as they get too far away, so you can see the sky beyond. So that doesn't work.

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HAve no idea how to fix your issue, but just wanted to say that it's a wonderful idea.


Just out of curiosity, is it only the player whom you want to experience the effects of water differently?

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