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To much anime on the Nexus?


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I'm new to the forums (first forum i've ever joined) and just wanted to know....Do you think there is to much Anime/Manga on TES Nexus?


I'm not trying to mock people or be mean but seriously, I don't bother looking at the Hot Files anymore because they're all some Bleach characters or armor that goes with that sort of mood. What happened to all the cool houses and world reskin mods? they're there but you have to dig to find them and I know Oblivions an old game but it's still mine and a lot of other peoples favorite game. So tell me. Is there still good popular mods that are still updating and really fit in to Oblivion? (This isn't Kingdom Hearts or Final Fantasy people)


Also please tell me if im making this in the wrong place or copying another topic and know that this is the First forum that i've EVER joined (That doesn't mean i'm 12 years old)

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People mod games because they want something in it that does not exist and that is a main attraction to these games. Being able to add Star Wars light sabers or oversized swords or whatever is a major attraction. Anyone posting these kinds of topics are just coming off like spoiled little brats that have too many toys and have no appreciation for what it takes to make a single one.


I could easily say "hey come on, this is Oblivion, why are you re-coloring such-n-so armor...it doesn't exist like that!"...which is just as meaningless as can be on a site dedicated to modding Oblivion.


So be grateful you have so much to choose from and if you don't like something, ignore it and move along.


If you find it difficult to find things, why not be helpful and create a post that will serve as a list-o-links to all the mods you think best fit the category/style of mods you are looking for...that would save the next person research time if they like the same things you do.



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There are plenty of mods that have absolutely nothing to do with anime. If you looking through the hot files section, it kind of tells me that you aren't looking for anything in particular, only for what other people think is cool. If you actually put in some efforts into a search, via a search engine or keywords of something you are interested in, you would come up with plenty of blogs, lists, and mods dedicated to what you're looking for. Sure, there may be a lot of 'anime', but a lot of the people currently drawn to oblivion are people who view it as artistic platform. It's quite possibly one of the most moddable games out today. There are plenty of people who make fantastic mods that aren't anime related, and are continuously doing so, and their mods are still there, whether you are distracted by anime or not.
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The guy does have a point


I'm not saying it's a bad thing but there are a lot of "adult" themed armors

So maby it would be better to have more mod categories such as practical armor and pretty armor

Just to make it easier to search through mods.

Edited by Soolie
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I personaly dont like anime/manga, but I have no problem with it. Actually I do think that there are way too many anime related mods/files on the nexus, but it definitely shows that there are many people, who like 'em.

Btw I have no problem finding the kind of mods, that I like :)

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I do not think there is too much anime, rather that there is a lack of diversity of anime. there's thousands of bleach mods, but what about other popular series that may appeal to the hardcore anime fan (most of which in my experience want nothing to do with bleach).


That said I think their needs to be a influx of fantasy literature such as sword of truth, wheel of time, or even dune might work as a mod.

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I believe the OPs real point is that it is sometimes difficult to find or identify recent popular or quality non-anime/non-'adult' mods because anime and 'adult' mod fans are generous with their endorsements and active in their downloads, thus pushing many quality 'lore appropriate' mods down in the rankings.


It would be a boon to have separate indexing/searching for the recent top 25, etc., etc. ...similar to the way there is more than one version of the top 100 all time mods...'adult' and non-'adult.'


I don't believe there can be 'too many' of a particular type of mod. If a modder wants to make and release anime, that's great...it is all art in my book. However, if I had my wish, I'd like to have more indexing/searching options so I don't have to wade through pages of anime or 'adult' mods in order to find good, recent 'lore appropriate' mods...or for that matter, wade through pages of classic mods that, for good reason, continue to be heavily endorsed day in and day out.


Just my thoughts.



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