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Does the word MMO leave a negative connotation in anyone else's mi


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While I don't think anything is wrong with video games, MMO's in general, tend to be the most destructive. While I can not stand people who think video games are dangerous or harmful in any way, it is true that some people seriously play MMO's too much. I would say that most people think MMOs are addictive and get a similar image of an obese dorito eater when they think of online games like WoW. I try to stay away from MMOs because of their notoriously addictive nature, but I do not think poorly of anyone who actually plays the.
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You guys have posted some interesting stuff regarding MMOs. I too hope that MMOs don't become the standard of games for the future, because then I will have to stop playing games. Unfortunately, we are seeing them too often nowadays.


And I too, cannot stand people who criticize video games. Jane McGonigal has it right.


Edited by yoba333
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I like Sir Patrick Stewart but I dont like some of the things he stands up for.


If you want a look at EVE yoba I can give you a free trial-like WoW the game itself is a free download off the CCP website, you just need an account, so if you want a go, just ask.


What I resent is this tide of primarily South korean MMOs that are just hackneyed clones of AION designed to netr some little businessmen a bit of extra money.


Gaming should be an artform just like any other form of dramatic entertainment, such greed as can be witnessed in the South korean and occasionaly Japanese and American games industry go again my every principle.


Take NCsoft for example, greedy little bastards.


Im no racist, but the SK cultural MMO obsession does gaming a diservice, however the culture of simply cloning either AION or WoW, and giving it an anime aesthetic, I find disgusting and offencive to gaming as a whole, and far less tolerable than the actions of corporations like Activision or Blizzard.

Edited by Vindekarr
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I think of repetitive "fetch me ten pieces of item X" quests.

I think of people who speak mainly in abbreviations.


Not that there's necessarily something wrong with such things, I just don't enjoy them in my games.

I think people that speak mainly in abbreviations also tend to think mainly in abbreviations...and there we have a whole slew of shallow, disinterested thinkers.

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MMO was a four-letter word to me for a long time simply because I didn't have internet at home. Now that I do I still don't play them because it's difficult for me to coordinate my RL schedule with the schedules of other gamers. It's easier and less stressful to just fire up a single-player game when I'm able.
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I feel sorry for you because it appears you are inFatuated :whistling: with a Fat guy eating a popular brand of fun finger food covered in cheese powder, with the little sprinkles all over his clothes where he fingered his flab body, while scratching at the little itches of tiny dust mites, addicted to powdered cheese, :blink: crawling around under his chest hairs trying to find any crumbs that slipped from his mouth into his shirt collar.


You definitely don't want to become like that guy now do you? LOL Nooo! :wacko:


If you think of the guy each time you think of a place, like any MMO, You Know, where people get together for fun, you may need counseling, and should avoid thinking about going to the local mall, or any place where two or more people gather together, until you have had a chance to rememdy your fear of becoming a fat slob! :teehee:


Because when you are just thinking about going any where, there may cause enough for you to think about that fat guy, you don't want to see yourself become like.. YOU KNOW *whispering in big letter's* "IN YOUR MIND" before you leave to go get your favorite food at any crowded fast food place or restaurant. Because thinking about crowds will turn you on to thinking about him to and turn off you mind too anything that has an MMO theme to it, either where on the Internet teams tend to gank each other the mini mall where you sneak in to get your caffeinated drinks.


I think it would be best if you got some help with that picture in that zone where you fear you will become like that. Preferably, before you start seeing a video game who has a resemblance to a guy called Gov. Arnold, by his friend's. Which looks like a body builder wielding a Battle Axe and a Long sword charging you from a hill side with a crowd at his side to rip your game characters head off.


I would take you oddity of imagination to be a soft form of abuse but I suspect you really are afraid you will get fat playing MMO's. You should see some of the people who are fat now. I mean, they played, "Morrowind, Oblvion, Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas and I am sure a group of those who had your nightmare will look upon it and shrug. As if those fat guys and disabled people out there I know some of personally had not made the investment's at the Stock Exchange they did, you would probably be playing, Lawn Darts, or croquet tomorrow afternoon upwind from the horse's stable's.


What I am saying is, "You will get fat no matter what if you think about it enough. Be careful of what you don't wish for, as, it could happen to you. No matter whether your playing pong, or Star Trek: Online."


*Now where did I leave that shopping list? Oh! Yeah. There it is in the crack in my shirt over hanging my WWF belt buckle.*

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I've played a few MMOs....and really, they all seem the same to me. Same "go get me 10 rat tails and I'll give you piece of gold" kinda missions, no matter what the genre. I thought Anarchy Online was going to be different in some way, other than being sci-fi of course, but it's just the same. Pay to play, constant level grinding, annoying people.


I never seem to find the obsession with these games, I find them incredibly boring. Plus, I don't really like to play with people. Half the time they are either complete newbs or total jerks, there's no fun in that for me. I prefer playing by myself and living out my own fantasy in the game.


One exception is Diablo II, but even that has lost it's fun. People just go on D2 JSP or some stupid item store, buy all the godly items for a few dollars, think they are "epic", and don't understand that the fun of that game is to FIND and MAKE the items. Plus it's riddled with bots so bad now that your entire screen is filled with "BUY SOJ FOR 49 CENTS @ www.somecrappydiablo2store.com!!!!" But, I guess that really doesn't qualify as an MMO...but it's the only game I really play online with people other than TF2.


Got nothing against people that play MMOs...but I saw one of the only friends I've had get sucked into WoW. He's my age and now still lives in his parent's basement, has gained about 100 pounds, and pays nearly $60/month just to keep his accounts going. Works at a fast food joint too....Kind of your typical "MMO stereotype". But not all people get addicted and turn into a Cheeto eating obese person. This friend, however, did. All he cares about is how his Paladin or whatever is level so and so and he spend blah blah gold on some mount....it's sad really.


For me...I guess they kind of leave a negative feeling in my mind as I've lost a good friend to a bloody video game. I just avoid them because I find them incredibly boring and it'll be a cold day in hell before I ask my boyfriend to spend $15/month on a video game. It's just a waste of money to me. $15 is 3 full meals I can cook...or many other things that are far more worth it IMO.

Edited by Illiad86
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Reason to not like MMO's, video game addiction.. And also everyone whoring (excuse the language) out for "special rare items", bragging about being better than you, having the best gear, etc.


I've had bad playing experiences with MMO's... It's just too time consuming more than a traditional CRPG is. And then there's PvP... and if everyone's going to be as much of an arse in PvP I might as well play a traditional free-for-all FPS game.


Infact, I've had times where, someone plays out to be generous to me, giving me a few items to start out with, then I get killed and looted, respawning with nothing, and my character stunted depending on what game I'm playing (usually loss of EXP or other stats), when questioned, they laugh at my face and kill me again. I try to report the issue, nobody listens.. so to hell with it.. Stopped playing and went back to single player games or online FPS's that AREN'T MMO..


Don't get me wrong though, I wouldn't mind playing a MMO but it has to be *VERY* specific to my tastes, and have a userbase that doesn't consist of 12-year old mentality nerd arses.

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