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F4 Mod question: Difficult with main character now talking?


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Or with the thousands and thousands of lines of dialogue already existing, with the PC blathering away, surely there will be lines that could easily be taken out of context and used for a mod.


case in point the sunny smiles follower mod. though that's rough because sunny doesn't have lots and lots of lines like our PC will



That fixes the problem of ading dialogue with new NPCs. However it doesn't fix the issue of adding dialogue with existing NPCs and breaking the "four choices" limita tion that the new system has.



Maybe it's possible to have one of those choices lead to another set of four and so on, wading through them would be a pain but it's a way around it.




That would probably entail having to replace one of the existing options which, given what I have played of Mass Effect seems like it would be a compatibility nightmare. an issue which dialogue based mods have historically been able to avoid largely due to how the dialogues were structured it was easy for multiple mods to add new dialogue even to the same NPC if wanted. now this doesn't seem like a viable option.

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Sub menus, easiest thing ever.


Infinitely better than having to sit there and break immersion by having to read through 3 or 4 options I don't want to know.



Yeah but what if the four buttons are all already mapped? submenues doesn't work for that and you could even have submenues wiht the old system without having to compeltely rework the exisitng options. I odn't see that happening here. The steps needed to create submenues to begin with would be a comparability nightmare and would basically mean multiple mods couldn't add dialogue to the same NPC. I'd much rather scroll sthorugh long dialogue optins than get these poor minimalist "options" that have to cope with the limitations of a voiced PC.

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Sub menus, easiest thing ever.


Infinitely better than having to sit there and break immersion by having to read through 3 or 4 options I don't want to know.



Yeah but what if the four buttons are all already mapped? submenues doesn't work for that and you could even have submenues wiht the old system without having to compeltely rework the exisitng options. I odn't see that happening here. The steps needed to create submenues to begin with would be a comparability nightmare and would basically mean multiple mods couldn't add dialogue to the same NPC. I'd much rather scroll sthorugh long dialogue optins than get these poor minimalist "options" that have to cope with the limitations of a voiced PC.



Now you are just trying to speculate problems that aren't even real yet.


If Bethesda can build an entire game with it, I am more than confident that I can take it and put in a few hundred lines of dialogue in it.



But I guess there are two kinds of people in the world, those that see something new and embrace the marvelous new world of possibilities, and those that fear what is new and would rather hide away from it and live in the past.

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Yeah but what if the four buttons are all already mapped? submenues doesn't work for that and you could even have submenues wiht the old system without having to compeltely rework the exisitng options. I odn't see that happening here. The steps needed to create submenues to begin with would be a comparability nightmare and would basically mean multiple mods couldn't add dialogue to the same NPC. I'd much rather scroll sthorugh long dialogue optins than get these poor minimalist "options" that have to cope with the limitations of a voiced PC.

agreed, i have tried my hand at adding dialog to FONV and it's not all that bad because of flexibility. if i was limited to four options... im just thinking of Deus Ex: Human Revolution now, it isnt that it is bad or anything but adding dialog to existing dialog int his case would be frustrating.



Now you are just trying to speculate problems that aren't even real yet.

that's the whole point of this thread...



If Bethesda can build an entire game with it, I am more than confident that I can take it and put in a few hundred lines of dialogue in it.

we arent saying you cant, we're saying that the only real change is that instead of going through a short list of dialog options which branch out further you're now going through a tree of dialog options that branch out further. so really it's just adding an unnecessary step that is limiting dialog choices simply out of making it tedious to complete.



But I guess there are two kinds of people in the world, those that see something new and embrace the marvelous new world of possibilities, and those that fear what is new and would rather hide away from it and live in the past.

this has nothing to do with new and old, this has to do with limiting the ability to add new to the original.

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Now you are just trying to speculate problems that aren't even real yet.




Based on what we've seen I'd say thay're pretty well founded. based on what we've seen it looks like in order to add dialogue we'de have to replace existing dialogue o ptions somewhere along the tree. I'm not sure how you see it working any differently to be honest.


If Bethesda can build an entire game with it, I am more than confident that I can take it and put in a few hundred lines of dialogue in it.




Try adding more than fou r choices at a time and see how that works out. or try having multiple mods adding dialogue to the same charactar at the same point in the game and not just that but having m ore than three or four mods do it at once. This limited dialogue system should not be universal and does not belong in every RPG mu8 ch less every game.


But I guess there are two kinds of people in the world, those that see something new and embrace the marvelous new world of possibilities, and those that fear what is new and would rather hide away from it and live in the past.



Will yous top with this false dichotomy that suppsoeldy if someone doesn't want eveyr RPG or every game to go with a voiced protaganist or a limited four-choices-at-a-time system tha tsuddenly we want the medium t o just never advance and activley want it to go back to the 8 bit era or something? It's a tired strawman that has no merit and y ou know this. you're just using it to demonize those who don't think this is the best thing ever and don't want it in every game as jsut some natural point of "progress".

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You don't even have a vague idea of how limited the system is, unless you are like Qwerty and have inside sources inside of Bethesda feeding you information.


You don't know if these conversation options are even assigned to A or B or whatever else. For all you know it might be a drop box and they are just dropped into the options. For all you know, when playing the game on Playstation 4, hitting the R2 button will scroll through the options.


You don't even know if the PC version of Fallout 4 even has the 4 key setup.


Way too many unknowns to be worried... This isn't Bethesda's first rodeo.




This website is like one big Bethesda hate club...




But I guess I will just have to prove all of you pessimists and conservatives wrong when I release my mod and you all love it.

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You don't even have a vague idea of how limited the system is, unless you are like Qwerty and have inside sources inside of Bethesda feeding you information.


You don't know if these conversation options are even assigned to A or B or whatever else. For all you know it might be a drop box and they are just dropped into the options. For all you know, when playing the game on Playstation 4, hitting the R2 button will scroll through the options.


You don't even know if the PC version of Fallout 4 even has the 4 key setup.


Way too many unknowns to be worried... This isn't Bethesda's first rodeo.




This website is like one big Bethesda hate club...




But I guess I will just have to prove all of you pessimists and conservatives wrong when I release my mod and you all love it.



throwing insults at anyone who disagrees wiht you real mature.

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But I guess I will just have to prove all of you pessimists and conservatives wrong when I release my mod and you all love it.

right... i read what you got man... nothing special at all.


seriously stop with the insults, we're just being cautious and speculating here. you keep insulting us because we see a legitimate issue that could be (more then likely it will be) difficult to work with from a modding stand point. no one is saying we want Bethesda to stay the same and not change, we're just saying we arent sure about a feature that is clearly implemented to make the game look like another game. also we dont like it when games go with limiting features simply so that it is 'nicer' for console owners.


so if you're not going to add anything constructive to this conversation, the door is right over there at the top of the window in a box with an 'X' on it.




and Tnu, i agree with the whole issue of mod compatibility. it's going to be a nightmare to add mods which add dialog with such a limiting conversation system.

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The lore-heavy mods are definitely going to be having some menu-ception going on with only 4 choice slots (Technically 3, since 1 would have to be used as a "Go back" option).


That said, with the veritable word diarrhea I've seen in some mods, it probably wouldn't hurt for MAs to learn how to get to the point, or even better, not dumping all the information and lore into one single NPC or Note/Terminal.

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