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Wicked Eyes blah blah; help a repubican here? Spoilers!


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Been away from gaming and thought I'd try this, and finding it brilliant but.. I've reached Wicked eyes and I'm going off the whole thing and fast.


I'm playing a human rift mage, I've reached level 20 righting wrongs and chasing bits of crap all over the world. I've kept all my companions alive (though I wonder why with the snooty cow Vivien) I allied with the mages got Hawke out of the rift and had Bull save his company etc. etc. My character is a firm believer in Andraste and a suporter of the best of the Chancelry and (this is the biggie) a firm supporter of the Friends of Red Jenny.


And now, apparently I'm stuck with sucking up to a bunch of toffie-nosed, conniving, inbred, parasitic vermin who I would cheerfully see sucked into a rift. If I had to chose an arch-parasite to oversee the exploitation of the ordinary people then I'd go with a reforming seeker of peace and her elf lover - being as nuking the winter palace and relieveing Thedas of it's burden of vile aristocrats in one swoop isn't an option.


Given all that, a simple request the shortest possible way through this festering pile of parrot droppings. Get the tart in the fancy hat back securely on her chair and get on with the real stuff, y'know defeating the darkspawn demigod who wants to eat the world...


I dont want anything from the palace, I don't care about these tossers apart from the fact they are between me and my objectives. I'll happily forgo any XP or points or perks I just want it GONE!


So someone point me to a 'republican's walkthrough, please. Or franky I'm just ditching the whole game 'cos this aristocratic crap makes my flesh creep!


In case you havent worked out where I'm coming from, in the real world I was once the youngest ever elected representative of a British trade-union - and who's wondering if he's playing the wrong game here... no matter how good it is.


But being as this is actually a mod forum (as opposed to one for venting about privilage :laugh: ) how about a Liliana's-agents-get-a-message-to-the-Empress-and-cut-this-quest-out mod? All in favour, say aye.

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See this excellent Guide: WE/WH Ending Guide.


BTW: You are supposed to loathe being at the Court. You should want to get out of there as soon as possible. The writers would be pleased to learn that they managed to engender such a reaction from a player! :laugh:



Lols, definitely credit where it's due to the devs. But many thanks for the guide, believe it or not I still managed a sub-optimal conclusion with Briala banished even (failing) to follow the guide, but that's close enough.


Nother question... Is enlisting the remains of the Wardens going to be a terrible mistake? A simple Y/N or N-A if it's not answerable without giving away too much.

Edited by SayinNuthin
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  • 1 month later...

What i always do, is talk to the elven servants,, or eavesdrop on them... then grab the cylinder on the balcony, and then climb the fence in the garden, and go in the room on the left, as fast as i can, because that will trigger the Morrigan scene. which will get me in the servant quarters and the fight with the tevinters. then a quick-step with that ugly noble biatch Florianne, (i always take the middle right option in the conversation..) after that blame gaspard for everything to my loyal subjects... and then into into the royal wing. Grab the elven hanger from Celine's vault.. Make sure you have enough Halla statues to get in there..i think 4 is enough.. Find the Gaspard Mercenary.. recruit him... Then talk to Celine AND then talk to Briala about it.. (the locket) . and then the final confrontation with the ugly noble.. you may have to fight her, depending on what extra's you did next to what i suggested.. talk or stab.. or kill, if you need to fight her... i don't care.. and then go to the final talk with Celine, Briala and Gaspard. Blame it on Gaspard, say Briala helped you.. and you get the two Lesbians to get together again, and you have 2 allies instead of one... Lets see Corififish beat that.


But no secrets hunting, no slander collection political bull.. no silly coin collecting... just the the elven locket from Celine's vault and recruit Gasapard Mercenary will do the trick...

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But no secrets hunting, no slander collection political bull.. no silly coin collecting... just the elven locket from Celine's vault and recruit Gasapard Mercenary will do the trick...



Best summary I've seen for how to get out of Halamshiral as quickly as possible with best overall result! :thumbsup:

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But no secrets hunting, no slander collection political bull.. no silly coin collecting... just the elven locket from Celine's vault and recruit Gasapard Mercenary will do the trick...



Best summary I've seen for how to get out of Halamshiral as quickly as possible with best overall result! :thumbsup:


Thank you my dear Thandal... I tried that once on a hunch, and it worked like a charm.... Now i wont have to spend an number of hours and lots of searching in that bleeming palace... Eureka !....;)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Almost all my inquisitors are Dalish so sucking up to loathsome human nobles in Halamshiral of all places is especially egregious. My favourite way to end it is with the satisfying line "You all work for me now." Nothing less will do. It requires overlooking some pointless loot I don't care about. Anything to get out of that stupid outfit.

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You do remember that its a game, right ?.... ;) Games listen to game mechanics... DAI is not a very good game.. but its well made graphically.. and its pleasant to play... usually i enjoy playing it,... for how long.. i do not know... actually... I am in the process of proving my point with a dwarven Inqi.. doing a little as possible and talking to no one.. to get to corififish with increased speed, grab his throat and strangle him with his own pet dragon...


Effectively beating the game. and proving that nothing you do matters, and no quest you do, makes any difference .. Except those that that the game mechanics forces you to do, to get the win... Halemshiral is one of them Mandatory quests... If you want to play this game.. it makes no sense to get mad at it... if there are mandatory quests you don't like,... just watch the game mechanics.. and do it as fast as possible...


Too bad there isnt sort of a "skip the fade" mod for it.... That particular mod has been in my load order since the day it came out.. and it never left.... i dont even remember what it was.. i played Origins to death... but that quest.. i only played 1 or 2 times... ;)


Fallout NV also has a worthless quest.. with a mod to skip it... but then again.,. NV was a worthless game all together... only played it a few times.. and de-installed it again...

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