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MGE XE (+MGSO) - No Borderless Windowed Mode


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Originally I had MGSO, with MGE XE letting me use Borderless Windowed mode.


I edited some of my functions because I'm currently using a less-than-optimal laptop- but in the process of doing so I seem to have caused some kind of serious problem.




Now Morrowind ALWAYS has an annoying bubbly window-border, EVEN when I'm on fullscreen mode. Launcher options can't fix it, MGE window mode can't fix it. REINSTALLING can't even fix it! Now I'm really worried... can someone help me find what file I somehow changed to make this permanent?


I'm using it via Steam so I assume some file got altered in the cloud that made it permanent... or there's something wrong with this computer?


Anyway, I have no good idea. Thanks for any assistance.


EDIT: I AM using Windows 8.1, and I HAVE seen ONE other person, on reddit, with this problem also using Windows 8.1- unfortunately I have not seen any kind of fix. I seriously hope it doesn't persist to my other computer...

Edited by bushwhacker2k
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