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Spam Hell ... or is it?


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As for liking those gaia forum whowhatsits...I'd rather shag a dead horse.


So bestiality is the new topic, then? :rolleyes: And necrophilia. Necrobestiality. Hmmm... Curiouser and curiouser :P

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Not a Sodomite but from Gemorrah are you? As Karkarinus said "Curiouser and curiouser"


Now, don't you think shagging dead horse would classify as 'queer'? Personally, I would have to say a great big "YUP", so your queerness is now no longer in question, just to classify it :)

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you know Dark0ne that you could just give a email to everybody registered on these forums and tell them to actually write something on these forums or they'll be banned so that we could get more points.

Lots of registered people on gaming source don't post anything at all. you ever noticed how there are more people than posts?

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you know Dark0ne that you could just give a email to everybody registered on these forums and tell them to actually write something on these forums or they'll be banned so that we could get more points.

Lots of registered people on gaming source don't post anything at all. you ever noticed how there are more people than posts?

This has been discussed before: here.

It has already been stated that most people are here simply to download mods. Also, your post is thread necromancy.

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