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Your best shot?


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Mine was on Operation Hastings, a Huey with 2 gunners was assaulting our team. I pulled out my M40 and heroically shot both the gunners of the helicopter with one bullet, while the helicopter was in midflight. Then, I guess the helicopter pilot was upset that I shot his gunners out and turned toward me. I proceeded to shoot him out of the pilot's seat and cause the Huey to crash into the water, which my friend repaired and we stole.
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Best was a quad head shot with the 40mm Shotgun for the assault class. Came around a corner and came face to face with a M870 only I got my shot off before he even got his lined up, him and the 3 people who just spawned behind him all died to that one shot.


Best shot with a Sniper rifle came from the M95, shot across the map and shot the pilot out of the Hind got +400 Marksmen Head shot bonus on that one, also got credit for the gunner and 2 passangers when it hit the ground.

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My best shot? I cant remember the map name because I havent played it in ages, but it's the one with the coastal artillery base, americans start out in the islands and work inland.


I perched up on the Russian starting island, in the middle of the bay with my M-95, picked off two wannabe recons on top of the ridge that shields the US base from sight, and then saw another recon standing in the rocks at the maps very far edge across the bay.


I took aim and shot him right betwixt the eyes, at a range of about 3 miles. Then a medic came running out and I shot him too, as he was moving, rigght in the head.

Edited by Vindekarr
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I think so...


TBH I have no idea how far away he was, i said three miles because it looked like about three miles.


A frickin' long way anyway since I couldnt see him without my trusty 12X.

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Welph I was in a tank the M1A2 I think thats what it is in the game. Anywho an enemy jet had just bombed one of our flags and out of annoyance to the jet I fired a single raound towards it. It hit the plane and it exploded and I got the points for the kill. I only know this is possible because I geot very good at shooint Helos out of the sky.


Another was over a sequance of five minutes. My friends called me and told me they were gona get me soon and I was in the middle of a game. I had five minuted to go in the game and in 4 they were gona be in my drive way. Well being rateher frantic about it I played the game pretty much off my seat. I went through four guns and 20+ enmies. During those four minutes I killed them one by one and two by two with out being killed a single time. It was only when my freinds knocked on the door and I looked away that I was killed. But I was pretty happy about what had just happened.

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I think so...


TBH I have no idea how far away he was, i said three miles because it looked like about three miles.


A frickin' long way anyway since I couldnt see him without my trusty 12X.

Not to be mean or anything the longest recorded shot was 2 km and was made from .50 machine gun.


Well for me probably would be a couple of .40 shotgun kills which literally saved my teams last m-comm point.

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Antonkr we are talking about a PC game not real life, and in think I saw a video of someone doing a long range shot that was in game 4 to 5 miles but that gun had no arch nor bullet speed so the moment he hit the trigger the bullet was at its target.


But for the real world longest kill was 1.5 Miles which is about 3km and was made by a Candian sniper using the .50 BMG round.


As for the shotgun I know what you mean :) got to love being the fella who wins the round just barely.

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M1 Garand. Atacama Desert. One side of the open desert area to the other. Headshot!


That's my only memorable shot. My friend, however, shot a random RPG into the air from the US base and hit the circling Havok at the Russian Base, causing it to explode. That was a sight to remember.


I need Xbox LIVE again. :(

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