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Favourite Gulid Quest


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Probably the majority of people will say Whodunnit?, as that seems to be the majority whenever someone asks this question. I have never followed the Dark Brotherhood, however, so I cannot comment on that quest. I felt the Fighters' Guild and Main Quest were predominantly dull, and the Mages' Guild was only a little better, but enjoyed most of the Thieves' Guild and felt the Knights of the Nine was well designed too. I guess I would say The Ultimate Heist, but I stuffed that one up. I could not work out how to use the boots to escape, so I backtracked the whole way *without once being seen*, and not even a drop of rat blood was spilt on my way. I think that added a whole lot to the quest ;) I must admit I also enjoyed The Hist, but I did that by stealth too and managed to complete the whole quest without any combat.
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Were it not for the various guild and Daedric shrine quests there would be no quests in vanilla Oblivion for me because I detest the main quest. Did it once all the way through. Did it once half-way through. Hated it both times. Sadly, most of the guild quests are a bit lackluster, but two really stand out for me. One is "Taking Care of Lex" (Thieves Guild), just because I love seeing Hieronymus Lex get his just due for persecuting the Thieves Guild and the Gray Fox. I think his reaction could have been scripted/acted a bit better, but it's priceless to know he'll be working for an old adversary and not even know it. The other is "The Noble's Daughter" (Fighters Guild) because I find Lord Rugdumph gro-Shurgak's mannerisms to be a hilarious breath of fresh air into a game which is a bit lacking in humor. I'll admit, though, that "Whodunnit?" (Dark Brotherhood) may be my favorite due to re-playability. I generally do a save game before every quest, so I can go back and play this one in various ways any time I please. There are so many options, here, especially if you're trying to play the guests off each other.
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I've only just started the Thieves Guild questline so I can't speak to that but I will say I agree with Ferryt on the Main quest. I wasn't so much bothered by the quests themselves, but closing Oblivion gates got to be a chore. I'm my own worst enemy ... I'm a 100% completion kinda' guy. Sixty gates was just way too many. I too had a good ole' ROTFLMAO time with Lord Rugdumph. Wish I had a save so I could relive the horror of enunciation.
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Thieves Guild. It can be terribly difficult and rather obnoxious at times but it's certainly the most well designed and inspired questline. The Mages Guild gets second for everything sans the end which was pretty bitterly anticlimactic. Everything else is just RPG-stereotype hack-and-slash nonsense so I won't bother critiquing it. Still my favorite game somehow.
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Honestly i think the Dark brotherhood questline was the best.my favorite quest was "Scheduled for Execution".It always annoys me how Valen Dreth insults me everytime i start a new game, Makes me happy to kill him. Edited by Lazilot
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Heh ... I've been trying to figure a way to drag out his death for a long time, but he has so little health (16) even a low-grade weapon will do him in quickly. Besides, once you open his cell he makes a run for it, which will alert the guards. I think I have more fun thinking what I'd do to his sorry butt if I ever truly got him alone.


Inspiration for a new mod -- "Save Valen Dreth": Objective, retrace your original steps out of the prison, including re-breaking the patched up hole the rats come through, and take Valen with you (obviously either part of the Dark Brotherhood quest or a completely separate one if you're not doing that questline). It could be challenging, since he'd probably die if he ever got into combat with any of the denizens of the cave or the sewers. But, oh, so satisfying when you finally get him where he can't run away. Poke him with a dagger. Smack him unconscious with your fists. Wait 'till he regains some health or use a healing spell on him. Poke him again ... and again ... and again ... and again ...

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