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Following the demise on Umaril, one of my Knights, Theodret, decided to give a speech to the other Knights. This was about 3 months ago and they are still standing in a circle in front of the Priory. I have tried to interupt him and I get the speach cursor, but he doesn't acknowledge me. I'd kill him off through the console but have been unable to find his character code. How can I get him to stoooooooooooooop?


Thanks, FosterBear

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I'll refer you to the UESP Wiki walkthrough for the quest (http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Umaril_the_Unfeathered_(quest))


Here's the pertinent part excerpted for you:


After returning to the Priory the player may experience a bug where Sir Thedret becomes stuck in his speech to the other Knights. You cannot talk to Sir Thedret after this point and the other knights stay gathered around him. You can still interact with the other Knights and order them to follow you, etc. Sometimes it seems this problem can be solved by 'bumping' into Sir Thedret repeatedly - each time the conversation will restart at a later point and then quickly break up again - until he's through with his dialog and everyone starts moving around normally again.

This bug is fixed by the Unofficial Official Mods Patch.


There's some further info below that excerpt in the wiki that may apply as well.

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Thanks Journeyman!


I looked at the patch and it appears to patch a lot of items that I don't have, such as the Wizards Tower. I was concerned that it might fowl something up if it couldn't locate something it was trying to correct. Not that bright when it comes to MODs and Partches. I have been bumping into Theadret every time I come and go. Finally lost patience and punched him at which point, he began to assault me with his sword. I tried to calm him with spells but no go and I had to kill him. I then loaded the quick save before the punch. I'll keep bumping him, unless you feel that applying the patch won't screw anything up...


Thanks, FosterBear





I'll refer you to the UESP Wiki walkthrough for the quest (http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Umaril_the_Unfeathered_(quest))


Here's the pertinent part excerpted for you:


After returning to the Priory the player may experience a bug where Sir Thedret becomes stuck in his speech to the other Knights. You cannot talk to Sir Thedret after this point and the other knights stay gathered around him. You can still interact with the other Knights and order them to follow you, etc. Sometimes it seems this problem can be solved by 'bumping' into Sir Thedret repeatedly - each time the conversation will restart at a later point and then quickly break up again - until he's through with his dialog and everyone starts moving around normally again.

This bug is fixed by the Unofficial Official Mods Patch.


There's some further info below that excerpt in the wiki that may apply as well.

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For any who may be reading this thread, I did download the Unofficial Official Mod Patch and was pleased to find that I could select the items that I wanted to patch. My concern had been that this would patch something that I didn't have and screw up my game. I selected the Knights of the Nine patch and when I opened my saved game all of the Knights were back to work. The MOD worked great...



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