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Expanded Combat (and another thing)


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Right, I originally posted this in the comments section of DUST but its sort of out of scope for that mod so I'll post it here:


Dynamic Encounters:

Human enemies surround you and threaten you if your weapon is holstered.
If your weapon is raised or you stick around too long enemies will attack.
If a gun is pointed at an enemy other enemies in the area will back off unless they are outside your line of sight or you wait too long to fire.
Enemies can rob you of foodstuffs, ammo or weapons and let you go without attacking.
Enemies can rob you and attack you anyway.

Think something along the lines of I Am Alive's combat:

And another idea I had about how death should be handled is, after dying, have the player wake up in a random location without any items, all active quests failed and with their stats reset and randomized, but the changes made to the world remain and their old body can be found in the place where they died. Would make dying more of a punishment than just reloading a save. Edited by ItsOnlyPersonal
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So basically because I listed a Mod that is similiar to what you want and I never used personally you think I want to make the Game less fun?


edit:I mistaked you for the Guy that started the Topic.Thats why it didn't make any sense to me

Edited by Fenryr3001
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