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bandit town


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Hey good folks,how are you all doing. =P?


anyways,i play as a bandit,for this roleplay i use Althirs camping tools for tents,campfires ,archery targets and a few things you could use to survive such as cooking pots that you could place somewhere,pick em up and move...


i also use alterante start - live another live + a standalone darker fur armor so i look unique ...i also use a simple multiple followers so i can have multiple people following me ,basic mod to change clothing of any followers FOREVER and "addtofaction 5c84d 3 " + setrelationshiprank player 3" to make anyone i wish (after roleplaying it) a follower....i also add myself and my followers to all bandit factions


i even use the console command to recruit a few actual bandits that have voice types that other characters do....even tough they reset over time and i lose their service...i can still use my other SET FOLLOWER HOME mod to put them in a camp (And even if they stop being followers,they will still make that place their home =P


i also use a simple (With no HUD's) hunger,drink and sleep system ...so yeah...if it's raiding,hunting or just chilling out at any place i capture ...i got it handled...it's an immersive roleplay experience and a lot of fun


BUT what i propose is...we should make a bandt town in skyrim...


if you ever played age of pirates 2 or similiar games...you would see the pirates had small towns usally made out of logs with wooden walls and gates around the entire town


IT WOULD BE AWSOME for there to be a bandit town aka village that had carefully organized log buildings (like honeyside in riften) and a wooden bandit wall + gate all around the buildings...maybe even wooden guard towers =P, We could make the bandits have their own bard and inn ,guards could patrol the streets during the night


the BIGEST part of this bandit town would be the fact that there should be organized WOODEN LOG buildings and a bandit wall + gate around it =P


what do you guys think,this would be awsome imo


incase you are wondering what armor i use,it's http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/56826/?tab=4&&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrim%2Fajax%2Fcomments%2F%3Fmod_id%3D56826%26page%3D1%26sort%3DDESC%26pid%3D0%26thread_id%3D1992909&pUp=1

Edited by charliedfsf
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Just take over a fort with my home is your home and visit it every now and then. They have everything you need, no?

I mean a bandit towns sounds cool, but a fort is a safer more attractive option.



ain't the same...it is to be a full walled in wooden town with and inn,general store and so on

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