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ummm.. help please?

Oblivion Filth

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like ok, i just gots this game soooooo..... i get out of the tunnels n its all sunny n stuff yay!! sun!! so yeah, then i just like walked around for like an hour :P so like where do have to i go?? please help me please :D
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To start the main quest you need to travel to Chorrol and speak with Jaufre. Other than that you decide it's your adventure.


Correction: travel to Weynon Priory


Use your journal :). Or follow the allmighty allpowerfull red triangle.

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It is actually best (from a difficulty point of view) to start the main quest as early as possible. Due to vanilla Oblivion's broken levelling system, enemies get tougher as you level up, so the game is actually easiest at level 1, especially the main quest...
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so the game is actually easiest at level 1, especially the main quest...


All true and so wrong.. >:( Though the first time around I found that if you go through the main quest too fast, the ending is kinda hard. I found the last fight at the Imperial City pretty difficult at level 20, this time I'm 28 so I'm expecting it to be a whole lot easier.

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It is actually best (from a difficulty point of view) to start the main quest as early as possible. Due to vanilla Oblivion's broken levelling system, enemies get tougher as you level up, so the game is actually easiest at level 1, especially the main quest...

Especially because the guards and soldiers that help you in certain stages of the MQ don't level up with the creatures, so at a low level they can actually be useful. :)


I agree that it's lame that someone with a rusty dagger can save tamriel, while any guard in the Imperial City can kill him with three hits.

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