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Wrye Bash - How do I get started?

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I've been modding my games (Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim) for a few years now-


I've returned to Oblivion and decided to give Wrye Bash a try since people are recommending it over OBMM.


So confused. I know mods tend to be excessively complex and frequently nebulous in explaining how to properly utilize them but even after setting up Wrye Bash I don't know where to start at all. What's confusing me the most is that I can't find anything explaining how it works.


I loaded it up, it properly recognizes Oblivion and its DLC- now how do I use Wrye Bash to implement other mods?

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Hopefully, I can at least get you started....

I use Wrye Bash 303 but other WBs should work the same.

After you've opened Wrye Bash, there should be tabs at the top marked

Installers, Mods, Saves, INI Edits, Screenshots

Click on "Installers"... may take a moment for it to locate things.

I have WB open on one side of my screen, and my file explorer open on the other.

Drag and drop the zipped mod you want to install in the Installers section.

I always go with "copy" so I can keep an original just incase I decide to delete

the mod later.

After you copy the mod, right click on the mod name and a menu should appear

by your pointer. Click on "install" ( about 2/3 of way down menu ) and mod

should install. If mod has an esp, you will need to go to the Mods tab at top

to see it in your mod list. Check it just like in OBMM.

You might want to test a few to get the feel of things before you add too many

mods, just in case.

To start game, click on Oblivion Icon at bottom of page.

Hope this makes sense and helps get you going.

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As Wrye Bash isn't called the Swiss Army Knive Tool for modding for no reason and the number of things you can do with it "besides" the already mentioned mod manager part (only 1 tiny fraction of its features in fact),

I think the links to several documentation pages found on here will help you along even further: http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/22368/?

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Drag-and-Drop! I was so busy looking for buttons I didn't even consider that! That solved the majority of my confusion right there.


Thanks, both- hopefully I'll gain a bit more expertise with this as I play with it.


EDIT: Or so I thought- but now as I drag-and-drop and click Copy nothing happens!


EDIT2: Ah, I right-clicked the blank Installer screen and clicked Open and there ARE copies there- but nothing has actually happened in the Wrye Bash window that I can perceive.


EDIT3: Ah! I right-clicked and clicked Enable and NOW I can see them! :D

Edited by bushwhacker2k
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The documentation on how to use Wrye Bash is in two HTML files found in the Mopy folder, Wrye Bash General Readme.html and Wrye Bash Advanced Readme.html.

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@ Striker879: Thank you for mentioning the Mopy Folder.

I never bothered looking in it, and now I know what's in there.

I should have read the description page when I downloaded WB.... duh...

thanks again

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Just wanted to let you guys know I got everything working and I'm having fun- thanks! :D

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Here's probably the best way to get into Wrye Bash: Wrye Bash Pictorial Guide Also shows how to make mods BAIN ready, so you can really only drag and drop them into WB. Some mods need that or they wouldn't work otherwise.


It helped me out a lot at the beginning. I only needed to check the official readme for very specific informations so far.

Edited by LeiYingLo
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