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Forcing AA and HDR


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Heya, I've done loads of research onit and I no my graphics card enables it to work!

I went into the graphics control panel, selected 8x Anti aliasing, selected the oblivion EXE, run it and it still didn't work!


does anyone no how to do this, I must be doing something wrong.


thanks :)

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I believe what you'd do is set HDR using the Oblivion video options menu and then set anti-aliasing in your video card control panel. With HDR selected in the Oblivion options menu it disables anti-aliasing (too big of a performance hit back in the day). This method doesn't use Obilivion to set AA, your video card control panel forces it. To see if it's working find a spot in-game without AA enabled that shows the jaggies good. Save, exit and enable AA in your video card control panel. Load your game and see if you can see a difference. You may want to check your FPS before and after so you have an idea of the performance hit.



This is from Koroush Ghazi's Oblivion Tweak Guide (http://www.tweakguides.com/Oblivion_1.html)

Finally, you also can't enable HDR and Antialiasing at the same time unless you have an ATI X1000 series card or a GeForce 8 series card or newer, and recent Catalyst or Forceware drivers - in both cases you must first enable HDR in the game, and then force enable Antialiasing in your graphics card's control panel for it to work. See the Advanced Tweaking section for ways in which you can alter the visual parameters of HDR to alter its appearance.
Edited by Striker879
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