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Crochet Creations


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Well, I think this is the right place for this :P It is needle art ;)


When I'm not playing video games or cleaning the house, I like to crochet. I've been doing it for a few years and I love it! It's actually one of the cheapest hobbies I have. Some yarn types can be very expensive, like alpaca, wool, but most of it is a few dollars a skein and you can make a few hats from it or many other things.


I love doing it because I can make useful items for people. I made a bunch of dishmats for mama-in-law. Her dish drainer doesn't fit in her sink and she was using towels under it to dry her dishes. So I made her some mats made out of thick cotton yarn :) She just loves them. I also make her coasters for her drinks:




They are made with two strands of cotton held together. Very simple to make :)


I also made her some potholders:




Here's a close-up on the stitch:



These are also made out of cotton yarn. I have heard you can use acrylic yarn for these too, but I would think it would melt? I'm not sure, but I think it would.



I also do crochet with crochet thread. These are fun to make. I had to use a 1.80mm hook!






I haven't really decided what to do with these yet. I might make them into a Spring centerpiece for the coffee table or something. Flowers are one of my most favourite things to make :) These are Irish Crochet Roses and Leaves


I also make hats, but I don't have any available to take pictures of right now. I made most of them for my grandma and other family members.


Like to make bags too :) I made this one for myself:








I machine stitched the liner and hand sewed it into the bag :) It was fun to make, I don't use my sewing machine enough.


I also make little plushie toys (called amigurumi) for my cousins and little sisters. I made them mostly little kitties because they like cats haha :)


I also made a blanket not too long ago, can't take a picture at the moment because my cat is napping on it lol. It's HIS blanket now :P


Thanks for looking :) I'll probably post up more of my projects later on :D

Edited by Illiad86
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Very good! Wish I could do the same. :thumbsup:


Kudos for your creativity and your displaying your works here in Druids Garden. :smile:

Edited by Maharg67
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I love the pillows, bag and flowers! Heck they all look very nice. I need the undermat you made for mama-in-law. I have a towel under my dish drain too, lol


I'm telling you, you should hit up ebay. I bet the little animals would sell well, as would the above. Thanks for sharing! You're so talented Weather Girl :thumbsup:

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The bag looks cools, but seems a bit flimsy. Might be better to use a closer weave, or a stronger cross-weave stitch, so the bag might be used like a handbag and can hold slightly heavier items without tearing. If possible, there can be thicker "bands" to connect the base of the bag to the top, so that many of the see-through weaves can be retained for the nice semi-transparent exotic look. Just my ideas, I don't know anything about weaving or crotchet-making.


I also liked the flowers/leaves, the coaster and the potholders! They're cute!


The way you mixed and matched the different weaves, is very efficient and seamless!


Good work Illiad, and it is a very useful and peaceful hobby.

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It's actually quite sturdy. Nothing's tearing, that's for sure ;) Originally, it's more of a market/beach bag type of pattern. Meshes are used because they add a bit of stretch but at the same time are very sturdy. I added the liner otherwise my keys would fall out of it :P


They aren't weaves, they are stitches. It does look weaved though huh? The top part is in single crochet, the mesh part is in double crochet. Most projects use super basic stitches, but the end result is quite nice :) It's all a matter of counting your stitches...otherwise it doesn't come out right. If I didn't count the stitches correctly on the coasters, they would come out oddly shaped. Also for the potholders, if you don't count correctly, you would miss stitches and it would wind up coming out like a triangle lol.


The flowers are all in single, double, half double, and slip crochet. The difficult part of them is that you have to work behind your previous round to create the 3D effect. Plus working in thread is more difficult than yarn. I'm making a few more of those in a couple days, maybe I'll show step by step how they are made :) Decided I am going to make them into a nice little centerpiece for the coffee table


Got a picture of the blanket I made. It's just one big granny square. Normally, you make a bunch of these (much smaller of course) and attach them together to make a blanket. I decided, what the heck, how would it look if I just made one big one:







Really need to learn how to use our DSLR better :P I just wind up using the Full Auto function on it haha.



It would have have been bigger, but I ran out of the brown and blue yarn. It's big enough to lay on your legs. My dad is a garage sale junkie, he found me a king sized comforter bag full of yarn for a couple bucks :D He said "Hey, I got a small bag of yarn for you in the truck when you leave" one day when we were over there. We leave and I open his truck and my mouth dropped lol. Has to be at least 40 nice sized balls of yarn in it, all different types (wool, cotton, mostly acrylic). I called him and said, "SMALL?" and he just laughed :laugh: Too much yarn and not enough things to do haha.

Edited by Illiad86
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  • 2 weeks later...

Cool bag, I like the lining a lot! :thumbsup:

I asked my sister once to make me a crochet messenger bag... She made me a Blue Kippah. :mellow:

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Wow that blanket is very good. Reminds me of one my grandmother made for me nearly twenty years ago. Those are hard to do, keep up the good work! :wub:
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